In 1987, AQHA Hall of Fame gelding Van Decka cemented his place in the record books by earning more youth points than any other horse in AQHA history.
Continue reading …“A man can do all things if he will,” once said Leon Battista Alberti, who epitomized the Uomo Universale (Ultimate or Renaissance Man) of Italy.
Continue reading …Whether it’s the jaw-dropping craftsmanship of the cart, the gleam of the harness, the beauty of the horse’s movement, or the clear, trusting relationship between horse and driver, there is something both admirable and quietly elegant about Pleasure Driving.
Continue reading …While watching the top Hunter under Saddle horse and riders circling the arena, can you picture these elegantly coiffed teams covering the rough terrain of the field, following a pack of Foxhounds?
Continue reading …Horse shows bring people together from every corner of the country and from across all walks of life. Stroll down a single alleyway and you might meet a seasoned horse trainer from Michigan, a bright-eyed walk-trotter from Florida, a braider from Ohio, and an amateur from California.
Continue reading …Click here to read the complete article 136 – January/February, 2018 by Susan Winslow Susie Johns of Paradise Valley, Arizona, has known both sides of the rail from Small Fry to Select, as an avid competitor and ringside daughter, sister, and mother. She grew up in the show pen, raised three sons, Blake, Jeff, and […]
Continue reading …With the peak of the 2018 show season just on the horizon, some of the industry’s top exhibitors are in search of their next equine partner. The hunt for the next great champion brings with it excitement, anticipation, and optimism. The thoughtful preparation of these top equine athletes is a demanding and often lengthy process. Read on to discover how some of the nation’s top consignors prepare talented young stock to be marketed to buyers.
Continue reading …David Miller and Scott Jones prove the old adage teamwork makes the dream work.
Continue reading …We asked top professionals your biggest questions about keeping a show-worthy hair coat. Here’s what they had to say…
Continue reading …When you’re showing, how much does ring strategy really matter? Devising a plan counts, say the experts, and practices like utilizing corners for rail position, looking ahead to obstacles, timing your reverse on the rail, and thinking on your feet (or in your stirrups) can pay off in the show pen.
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