What has big checks, impressive globe-style trophies, seats filled with spectators, and beautiful horses at the center of it all? If everything goes according to plan, the Appaloosa Halter Futurity at the 2018 Appaloosa World Show will. What started as a simple ringside chat at the Appaloosa World Show in 2017 has now been fully developed into a premier Halter Breeders Futurity program that will debut in 2018. We chatted with members of the new Appaloosa Halter Futurity Executive Committee to talk about the development and future of this exciting new program.
Continue reading …Ten of the industry’s finest youth are diligently preparing for the experience of a lifetime – competing at the 2018 American Quarter Horse Youth World Cup (YWC) as part of Team USA. The U.S. team will be a force to be reckoned with, boasting multiple riders with numerous AQHA World and Congress Championships under their belts.
Continue reading …The excitement of winning an AQHA World Championship is grand. However, there is a special thrill doing it with a homebred filly moments after seeing your dad receive third place honors in the very same class.
Continue reading …Known for their innovative approach to promoting the Halter horse across all breeds, the Breeders Halter Futurity has a host of exciting new additions for their 2018 event.
Continue reading …The Olympic gelding bolted, escaping the grasp of the Swedish team trying to restrain him, and he raced through the show grounds, riderless, with the bridle flapping around his chest and legs.
Continue reading …When Sun Circuit debuted its March dates last year, the show was the largest it had ever been. Now, that record has been smashed once again. The 2018 Sun Circuit celebrated its 45th anniversary surpassing last year’s stellar numbers by 10%. Over 19,000 class entries encompassed everything from Jumping to Roping and included a range of exhibitors from Level 1 to World Champions. In addition to AQHA classes, the show hosted NSBA, NRHA, Versatility Ranch Horse and AllBreed and Color Breed classes.
Continue reading …Jet Thompson is into his third decade as a leading trainer and competitor, and he’s still going strong. His modest, soft-spoken demeanor belies the fact that he is a powerhouse in the industry.
Continue reading …There’s nothing like a blooper reel at the end of a movie to provide a good laugh and help us realize that we’re all humans and everyone make mistakes. The truth is, whether someone is an actor, athlete, corporate professional, or a top exhibitor in the horse industry, everyone has his or her own version of a blooper reel. The Equine Chronicle interviewed several top exhibitors and asked them to fill us in on their less than glamorous moments in the show arena. So, sit back, grab some popcorn, and enjoy this horse show industry blooper reel.
Continue reading …How do you get to Carnegie Hall? Practice. The same can be said of any top Quarter Horse show in the nation. It take years of practice, and getting dumped in the dirt a fair number of times, before one can consistently shine among the terrific talent in the top echelon of the horse industry.
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