Black board fencing snakes its way over hill and dale to a palatial estate overlooking pastureland that goes on for miles. The misty morning sunrise emerges to reveal horses grazing underneath majestic, live oaks dripping with Spanish moss. Where is this magical place where horses run free and the land is dotted with a patchwork of every type of farm, ranch, and homestead imaginable?
Continue reading …While surfing the internet recently, I came across numerous listings of horses for sale. This is nothing uncommon in the modern world of digital advertising. Everything’s for sale on the net, horses included.
Continue reading …“I’ve read that Christmas can be one of the loneliest times for many,” she says. “If we can give others something to look forward to, or a brief respite from their situation, I want to do that. I know what riding horses, or simply being around them does for me. My worries are gone and it’s just the horse and me.”
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Congratulations to the Hudson Family, who just welcomed Ms ExtremelyHotChips, aka “Mia,” to their family! The 2018 brown mare by Extremely Hot Chips and out of Ms Flashy Goodbar, previously owned by MC’s Dragon Ranch and Sid Karr, made a big name for herself over the last two years as a Bronze […]
Continue reading …For the first time in the show’s 48 years, a historic ride-off took place with Jeffrey Johns aboard two of his horses, Nothing But Nett and KM Flat Out The Best, to break his own tie of a score of 239.5 for the World Champion and Reserve titles in the L3 Amateur Trail Finals.
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein Minae Kroeze, one of our regular EC writers, works full-time as a foster home licensing specialist for the State of Michigan. She explains they host a holiday party each year for their foster families, complete with gifts, crafts, cookie decorating, a hot cocoa bar, and pictures with Santa and Lil Larry. “My […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein 18 lesson horses and 120 lessons a week. In the midst of the battle of opinions on how to bring new youth into the industry, Jessica Daniels of JD Show Horses stands like a beacon of light guiding to the definitive answer. The trainer and her team with a remarkably strong lesson […]
Continue reading …By Michelle Prather-Merkley At the beginning of the 2022 NCHA Futurity, Taylor Sheridan, the co-creator of the mega-hit Yellowstone, implored the audience at Will Rogers Coliseum to not let their babies grow up to be plastic surgeons, the world has enough of them. He said we need more cowboys and, as was the case as […]
Continue reading …Fox Run Equine Center By Brian S. Burks, DVM Diplomate, ABVP Board Certified in Equine Practice Every horse owner’s nightmare is to find their horse ill in some way. Horses that are down (recumbent) are even more worrisome. Botulism is a progressive disease causing muscular weakness, dysphagia (difficulty eating/swallowing) and recumbency. Botulism is […]
Continue reading …The G-Man’s Equine Chronicle Bears By Delores Kuhlwein The ever-present smile and warm welcome of Gordon Downey has become one of the most cherished elements of the horse show – a relationship that exhibitors and Gordon alike look forward to as part of their extended horse show family. Since the late 1990’s, the Equine […]
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