Horses are a big investment and we will do whatever we can to keep our horse in tip-top shape from the forelock to the tip of the tail, withers to the sole of the hooves. Owners will spend thousands of dollars to prevent injury, speed up recovery and lengthen their stay on Earth with us.
Continue reading …Never Give Up Even when the vets weren’t hopeful, Kelly Cummins decided to give Finally Hes Charming his best chance By Delores Kuhlwein Kelly Cummins knew before he fell ill that Finally Hes Charming had the biggest heart she’d ever seen in a horse. But when he developed a deadly septic hock and had […]
Continue reading …Each and every one of us has the same 24 hours in a day, 168 hours in a week, 720 hours every month, 8,640 hours in a year to manage everything in our time-consuming lives. Our basic survival necessities alone can drain our energy and time-bank, making life difficult to navigate. Once you add in the long hours of family drama and work commitments, and the stressful periods that friends and other relationships use up, the actual time we have left, if any, is ours to use in the most meaningful and efficient way possible.
Continue reading …By Diane Chilton-Harper On January 4, 2023, Cadillac In Black, belonging to Kyla Jackson of Vacaville, California, was humanely euthanized due to founder. The black horse with no white markings had foundered right before Christmas and was under the professional care of Dr. Hannah Carter at Dr. Tony Rocconi’s Mid South Equine Sports Medicine and Surgery in Tioga, […]
Continue reading …Coronavirus has been in the news for several years; the new human strain that came from China created worldwide disease and panic. There are several strains of coronavirus that can affect humans, causing respiratory disease. These include SARS (severe acute respiratory syndrome) and MERS (Middle East respiratory syndrome) and some that have more recently been identified.
Continue reading …AQHA Professional Horsewoman, Stacy Lane Huls, might be best known as an elite Hunt Seat rider who has racked up four AQHA World Champion titles, at least 10 Congress Championships, and countless futurity wins during the course of her career. But there’s a side to Stacy that nobody knows.
Continue reading …Warrior Princess Small Fry Rider Sloane Weakly smiles through life’s hurdles with an unrivaled spirit By Delores Kuhlwein On October 10, 2022, at the All American Quarter Horse Congress, Sloane Weakly was getting ready for Small Fry Hunter Under Saddle with Hubbout A Dance. Despite the fact that her other horse, Its A Good Pleasure, […]
Continue reading …Whether amateurs should be able to receive remuneration for giving lessons to other horse enthusiasts and upcoming exhibitors has again been a heated conversation among players in the stock horse industry. Both AQHA and APHA have had laborious conversations regarding their amateur rules and rule change proposals within the last year. A recent statement from the American Horse Council (AHC) may again stir the embers of an already smoldering fire.
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