First time AQHA L1 Championship Exhibitors Share Their Most Common Questions By Amber Daniel and Delores Kuhlwein For many exhibitors, the AQHA L1 Championships will be their first high-caliber show, and questions always accompany such an endeavor. The good news is that not only are there answers, but most everyone new to a show of […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein How does a Senior Airman in the Air Force juggle her career with her DIY Amateur aspirations? Though her story is like many DIY amateurs out there, a prominent theme seems to arise from each DIY story that’s relatable for all of us. An unrelenting passion for the horse drives us all […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein What a surprise this week when we spied one of our advertisers, World Champion One and Only Asset, on the cover of this year’s 2023 APHA rulebook! One And Only Asset’s owner, Amber Duckett explains, is giving his fans one “smore” reason to read the rulebook. Why the smores? As Duckett […]
Continue reading …By JR Cook and Delores Kuhlwein 3-Year-Old & Over Novice horse owners and trainers, take note. The inaugural 2023 All American Novice Horse Futurity brought to you by the Cook Family will be held July 5th at The Big A to showcase the 3-Year-Old & Over Novice horse, but how it differs is newsworthy. The […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein A love for the industry and the Western Pleasure horse recently inspired Tommie Prichard and Paula Czapko to create the inaugural Lone Star Futurity, coming up Saturday, April 22nd, in Waco, Texas. What they didn’t expect was for the futurity to take off in a huge way! “Years ago, the Heart of […]
Continue reading …Just last night, you had a successful ride on your horse. Just last night you were walking out of the pen patting his neck and excited for the show to start tomorrow. But now, as you go to pull him out of his stall for a bath, he’s lame.
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein As the AQHA industry is celebrating the release of the list of the Top 10 AQHA Shows, the AQHA affiliates in Ohio are doing a little happy dance of their own. Four of the 10 shows listed are shows in Ohio, including #1 – the All American Quarter Horse Congress; #5 – […]
Continue reading …By Delores Kuhlwein “When the winds of change blow, some people build walls and others build windmills.” — Chinese Proverb Multiple World Champion and NSBA Quarter Million Dollar Rider Andy Cochran and World and Congress Champion Katie Cochran are beginning an exciting new chapter in their lives this spring. Not only are they offering training […]
Continue reading …“A good friend is like a four-leaf clover: hard to find and lucky to have,” Irish Proverb.
Continue reading …Take a cue from MaryGaye LeBoeuf and her APHA gelding, Jetalito’s Cowboy Kid, and go on an Easter Egg hunting expedition. Incredibly, LeBoeuf has seen her Easter Egg Hunt training translate into better riding out on the trail when Cowboy is faced with frightening obstacles.
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