The newly approved AQHA all-around judges are: Mark Russell of Perry, Arkansas, Valerie Kearns of Grayslake, Illinois, and Keith Miller of Reidsville, North Carolina
Continue reading …The All Novice Show cranked out impressive, early, entry numbers like 29 in Showmanship All Ages Novice Youth, 32 in Showmanship All Ages N/A, 26 in Novice Amateur Walk Trot, 37 in Western Pleasure All Ages Novice Amateur, and 32 in Horsemanship All Ages Novice Amateur.
Continue reading …The first-ever APHA Regional Paint Horse Championships will take place this August in conjunction with the Zone 1 and Zone 7 Zone-O-Rama Paint Horse Shows. In addition to the regularly scheduled classes at each show will be a selection of Zone Championship events, sponsored by APHA.
Continue reading …Class #301 – Any Age Horse Limited Open Rider/Limited Horse – Trail, Class #302 – Any Age Horse Limited Non Pro Rider/Limited Horse Trail, Class #303 – 4 Year Old & Under Open Limited Rider/Limited Horse Hunter Under Saddle, Class #304 – 4 Year Old & Under Limited Non Pro Rider/Limited Horse Hunter Under Saddle, Class #305 – 3 Year Old & Under Open Limited Rider/Limited Horse Western Pleasure, Class #306 – 3 Year Old & Under Limited Non Pro Rider/Limited Horse Western Pleasure
Continue reading …The PQHA Summer Kick-Off filled almost 400 stalls, showed close to 900 entries, and provided four judges over the two-day split combined event. “This is a 75% increase from the 2013 show,” said Brenda Campbell, PQHA Office Staff and Board Member.
Continue reading …Scholarships: $1,000 each to the All-Around Youth 14-18, Youth 13 & Under and Novice Youth winners, $500 each to the Power Performance High-Point and Reserve High-Point winners, Up to $36,000 awarded in 10 Youth halter classes, with scholarships paid through sixth place, $500 for the Superior Sportsmanship winner, $500 each to the Junior and Senior High-Point Individuals in the APHA/ApHC Horse Judging Contest, $500 to a randomly selected Youth Boot Camp participant
Continue reading …TOP MONEY EARNING EXHIBITORS: Colts-Lonn Smallwood $2,353.30, Geldings-Jeff Habinghorst $1,652.00, Fillies- Angela Ryan $2,205.40, Youth Geldings- Monica Ham $735.00, Youth Mares- James Hamby $1,181.75, and Best of Show- Angela Ryan $1,000.00
Continue reading …“This program is opening the wonderful world of horses to these men, women and their children who have sacrificed so much on our behalf,” said Sydney Knott, founder of Horses4Heroes.
Continue reading …In addition to the show live streaming on iEquine, Mike and his staff will be available to exhibitors for custom videos in the hunter under saddle and western pleasure rail classes.
Continue reading …The international event held every two years and hosted by a different country is looking for all-around, reining and cutting horses that could be donated to the event for the participating youth to ride.
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