Get of Sire and Produce of Dam classes, presented by Title Sponsor Merial, will be staged on Saturday, August 2nd. Two additional sponsors of these classes are Snow Quarter Horses and My Intentions. Also on the venue for Saturday is the Lynn Simons Memorial/WCHA classes, topped off with the judging of a Champion of Champion Open Yearling class.
Continue reading …Spectators gathered around the Olympic arena to watch some of the countries best over fence riders compete in a high stakes contest for cash payouts, Huntfield prizes, and bragging rights. Taking place in conjunction with the event was a fun Exhibitor’s Party on the Hill.
Continue reading …Last night, Caroline Ammons piloted Ginnin to a win in the Non-Pro Trail Derby winning $450. The team received a combined score of 244, with an 81, 81.5, and 81.5 under judges Murray Griggs, Judd Paul, and Karen Graham, respectively.
Continue reading …Be sure to mark your calendars for the Fox Lea Farms Fall Circuit, September 12-14, 2014. Mark Harrell Horse Shows is coming to Venice for the Fall Circuit! Judges for the show will be Mike Weaver, Nancy Sue Ryan, Suzy Jeane, Jeff Allen, and Valerie Kearns.
Continue reading …Redberry Ranch/The Dempze Family have put forth a challenge! They will give $500 to the trainer who sells the most Gator Raffle Tickets to benefit the NSBA Foundation Trainer Crisis Fund!
Continue reading …The 2014 Buckeye Classic is quickly approaching July 2014. The Little Buckeye is scheduled to take place July 19-20, and The Buckeye Classic will take place July 24-27 in Sunbury, Ohio. Both shows will be AQHA, OQHA, NOQHA, EOQHA and OMI approved. The Little Buckeye will provide competitors with three sets of AQHA points and one […]
Continue reading …Designed with an emphasis of encouraging participation from new and local exhibitors, 13 regional champion classes—selected by Zone 1 representatives and designated as “Zone 1 Rookie” classes on the show bill—will be available with limited eligibility.
Continue reading …Within the online Premium Book competitors can view rules, regulations, showbills, and entry forms for all classes and special events that will take place August 14-September 1 in Fort Worth, Texas.
Continue reading …ATTENTION: Stall reservations and payment for exhibitors wishing to stall together at the 2014 NSBA World Championship Show must be received in one envelope by July 15th.
Continue reading …“Since there is some confusion regarding the World Wide Paint Horse Congress and the Green Country Paint Horse shows, we felt it beneficial to explain the situation,” stated Congress Chair Casey West. “These two shows (WWPHC 8 judges and GCPHC 4 judges) are independent of each other. They are two separate, independent shows, being held at the same facility, in different arenas, with ALL stall reservations/payments being made to Diane Gage, Congress Show Secretary.”
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