Congratulations Jessica Andronowitz, South Dakota State; Taylor Brown, Fresno State; Katherine Ehrman, New Mexico State; and Randi Pomrehn, Fresno State!
Continue reading …From 2013 to 2014, AQHA entries went from more than 2,500 to more than 4,400. Add in the Small Fry and NSBA totals and that equals more than 5,200 entries. Can you imagine what the entry total for 2015 will be!
Continue reading …Friday Oct. 31, “Toys for Tots” Performance Night kicks off with classes including Rope Race, Open Two-Year-Old Snaffle Bit Western Pleasure Futurity, and the always popular Freestyle Reining. The price of admission is an unwrapped child’s toy for donation and all attendees will receive a raffle ticket for the night’s performance. Throughout the evening the ApHC will be raffling off numerous items generously donated by World Championship Show vendors and sponsors.
Continue reading …“I grew up in a ‘horse show’ family,” Pflasterer said. “I have had the opportunity to progress through the shows as a lead line competitor, walk trot competitor, youth competitor, and now as an amateur and open competitor.”
Continue reading …Stay involved in making our association great by letting your opinions count in the 2014 APHA Director Election. Every current APHA member is invited to participate in voting, and it’s easier than ever to make your voice heard.
Continue reading …Now thanks to a new alliance with the American Quarter Horse Association, USTRC members competing on American Quarter Horses at the NFTR have the opportunity to take home an even bigger check. In addition to the existing prize money for the top ropers, the American Quarter Horse Performance Bonus Program will award an additional $5,000 across four categories.
Continue reading …Not only do competitors have the chance to earn the title of the Merial AQHA World Champion Collegiate Horse Judging Team, but also thousands of dollars in scholarships will be awarded to the top three teams in each division. This challenging and rewarding event is sponsored by AQHA Corporate Partner Merial.
Continue reading …Meredith Milton, the 2014–2015 AjPHA president, took on a big project when she announced she wanted to create an endowment for the Youth Superior Sportsmanship Award to increase the annual scholarship from $500, sponsored by Hart Trailers, to a $2,500 scholarship. A natural leader and outgoing young horsewoman, she wasted no time in networking with Paint Horse industry leaders to help her generate ideas and organize fundraisers.
Continue reading …Chris Jeter stepped out of his usual judge’s chair to serve as the show’s giveaway coordinator. He had great fun roaming the arenas initiating fun games, trivia contests, and even challenged the Select Amateur Western Pleasure riders to a dance competition for a pair of Woods’ Western chaps.
Continue reading …Patterns for the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress have just been posted online at
Click here to view Showmanship, Horsemanship, Trail, and Equitation patterns as well as pattern numbers for Western Riding and Reining.