Soak up the sun and bring home the bucks! The 2015 AZ. Sun Circuit is the place for added money special events. From Hunters to Western Pleasure to Cattle Classes, we have it covered.
Continue reading …It’s time again for American Quarter Horse owners to renew or purchase their annual AQHA Incentive Fund competition licenses, which expire December 31, 2014. Owners receive money for points earned in 2015 when they complete a competition license for each Incentive Fund-nominated horse before the horse competes.
Continue reading …In 2015, AQHA is set to celebrate 75 years of dedication to the breed and service to the membership. In honor of the upcoming year, the Association’s calendar will honor AQHA’s 75th anniversary and feature moments from the past. The anniversary is set to bring lots of excitement for AQHA members, including the release of 75th anniversary merchandise available at Quarter Horse Outfitters and much more.
Continue reading …Today, Frickson shows her mare Cincos First Impulse, also known as April. Together, they compete in various shows, such as the Pinto World Show, Minnesota Pinto shows, Paint shows, State and County 4-H, Minnesota State Fair, as well as many open shows.
Continue reading …Teaming up with owner Julia DeJonghe and trainer Heather Brower, Dexter, a 2000 sorrel overo gelding by Mr I B Trouble and out of Miss Dee Dexter, racked up the final points for the award throughout the 2014 show season.
Continue reading …Show management reports an increase in more than 700 AQHA entries over last year.
Continue reading …There are so many fun activities planned for the APHC Copper Country Paint-O-Rama that we don’t know where to begin! At 4:30 pm on Thursday, stick around for the always entertaining Freestyle Costume Showmanship class to benefit the Susan G. Komen Foundation. The time limit is two minutes and required moves include walk, trot, 360 turn, back, and set up for inspection. A rough out saddle will be awarded to first place!
Continue reading …The co-championship paid $132,600 each to the owners and $6,980 each to the nominators. Both co-champions were consignments at the 2012 NRHA / Markel Insurance Futurity Sales.
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