Any APHA-approved show counts toward qualification for the APHA Open/Amateur World Show, but we’ve made it extra-easy for reiners by including the following events thanks to APHA’s partnership with NRHA. 2015 dates include…
Continue reading …Throughout the course of the weekend, HSBA awarded $100,000 in cash and prizes, contributing to the great success of the HSBA Championship Finals in only their second year.
Continue reading …These obstacles may include jumping over or through structures, backing through a pattern, pole bending and/or roll backs, gait changes, various gymkhana games, working gates, and riding over or through difficult or spooky objects.
Continue reading …You will be designing a new National Championship t-shirt and program cover with a catchphrase (ex: “Riding to Win”) to go along with it. The design should feature the NCEA logo available below.
Continue reading …The 2015 NSBA World Championship Show & Breeders Championship Futurity will take place August 8-16, 2015. Look for additional information, including a complete schedule of events and activities in the following months.
Continue reading …Cropout Paints—those horses who have Quarter Horse or Thoroughbred lineage, but were born with white-splashed coats—have long been a valuable part of APHA. Since the repeal of the “One Paint-Parent” rule in 2012, these horses of color are once again eligible for APHA registration, provided they meet color requirements outlined in Rule RG-070 in the Official APHA Rule Book.
Continue reading …Judges have been announced for the 2015 Buckeye Classic and are as follows: Scott Neuman, Rhonda Replogle, Robin Frid, Brett Clark, Tom Robertson, Sissy Anderson, Larry Hansch, and Nancy Sue Ryan.
Continue reading …What’s included?
– Stellar speakers including Dr. Rick Rigsby, Lt. Detective Scott Tucker, APHA Executive Director Billy Smith, APHA Director of Judges Dave Dellin, Senior Director of Show and Contest Holly Slaughter and APHA social media expert Rachel Florman.
– Discussions and problem-solving forums about industry-relevant topics and issues
– Interaction and input with the Youth Committee and APHA national directors
– Leadership and team-building activities
– Opportunities to meet Paint leaders from across the country