Competitors who traveled down south to the 2015 LQHA Crawfish Classic enjoyed a weekend of sunny weather at a beautiful outdoor facility, mixed in with great awards and friendly competition, and seasoned with a bit of good old fashioned hospitality.
Continue reading …There will be 55 NSBA approved classes for color breed horses and NSBA bronze trophies awarded in every class. In addition, there will be a minimum of 90% jackpotted payback. The pre-entry deadline is May 15th.
Continue reading …There are awards for the annual high mileage Endurance Horse, Competitive Trail Horse and Combined High Mileage Horse. And horses are recognized for achieving mileage milestones at 250, 500 and 1,000 miles!
Continue reading …The Delaware, Washington State and Missouri Quarter Horse associations were named 2015 Bank of America Affiliate Achievement Award winners by the American Quarter Horse Association for their efforts of promoting the American Quarter Horse at the grassroots level.
Continue reading …The much-anticipated Super Stakes Open finals, which welcomes the top 4-year-old horses that advance during the go-rounds of the event, saw a tie for the coveted Championship title this year.
Continue reading …“This program has already generates a lot of enthusiasm, and we are excited about the possibilities it can create for APHA exhibitors, regional clubs and overall show participation,” APHA Senior Director of Show & Contest Holly Slaughter said.
Continue reading …Calling all National Directors—AjPHA wants YOU to help lead the front lines of Paint-loving Youth. Think you’re ready to take the reins?
Continue reading …In order to receive the best rates on class entries, stalls, and RV reservations, pre-enter by May 15th. Click here to enter online. Also, don’t forget about the NSBA Color of Money Show that will take place June 23-25. There will be bronze trophies in every class and 90% jackpot payout. Click here for more information.
Continue reading …For the online entry system you will submit only one online entry for each Horse/Exhibitor team, which is different than when submitting through the traditional paper form. Also, the online entry system only accepts credit card as payment.
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