Due to a series of heavy rainstorms in Scottsdale, Sun Circuit management has made schedule changes to best utilize the facilities and allow time for arenas to dry out. Please note, we have two contingencies depending on the conditions.
Continue reading …Earning first place, a $2,000 scholarship and a Montana Silversmiths belt buckle was Kaitlyn Glass of Energy, Texas. Glass’ project is the 2014 bay filly Big Madam Playgun by Big Playgun and out of Sarta Big Madam by Sarta Tari. She was bred by AQHA Ranching Heritage Breeder Sid Miller of Stephenville, Texas.
Continue reading …The NRHyA is excited to announce the first annual Youth Leadership Development Symposium to be held January 22-23 in conjunction with the NRHA Winter Meeting at the historic Skirvin Hilton Hotel in downtown Oklahoma City. There will be four, two-hour sessions offered.
Continue reading …Are you ready for your pre-season horse fix? North America’s foremost equine exposition and equestrian gathering returns to the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus on April 7-10, 2016, with all of the elements that have made Equine Affaire a legend—plus some exciting new features and opportunities.
Continue reading …The newly added 2016 AQHA Central Level 1 Championships is slated for April 13-17 at State Fair Park in Oklahoma City. The 2016 AQHA West Level 1 Championships will return April 20-24 to the South Point Equestrian & Events Center in Las Vegas, and the 2016 Nutrena East AQHA Level 1 Championships is tentatively scheduled for May 4-8 at the Gov. James B. Hunt Horse Complex in Raleigh, North Carolina.
Continue reading …Exhibitors and owners must print their level eligibility to give to show management during the 2016 show season. To determine level eligibility for 2016, visit www.aqha.com/leveling to access the AQHA leveling Web-based verification system.
Continue reading …Nebraska Quarter Horse Association Show Calendar 2016 March 11- **NQHA Approved *Special Event Roping, Lincoln March 12-13- **NQHA Approved *2 Single Judged Horse Shows, Lincoln April 1 **NQHA Approved *Special Event Roping, Lincoln April 2-3 **NQHA Approved *2 Split Combined Shows, Lincoln April 22 **NQHA Approved *Special Event Roping, Lincoln April 23-24 **NQHA Approved *2 Split Combined Shows, Lincoln […]
Continue reading …The USTPC Horsemanship Challenge will be held on January 8th. Join us for this fun team event, and maybe earn yourself some cash — there is $3,000 added!
Continue reading …Once limited to two horses, Amateurs can now show up to three horses in individually worked events such as cutting, barrel racing, Western riding and more. Read the full rule in the 2016 Official APHA Rule Book by searching “AM-085.”
Continue reading …Watch live streaming video from ShowNetVision at livestream.com
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