“You have to think about yourself as well as your horse, and everything has to blend together perfectly. I feel like it takes a really good connection with your horse to do that.”
Continue reading …“When we bought him, he didn’t know how to jump or do a lead change, so it’s been a journey from where we’ve started to where we’ve finished.”
Continue reading …14-year-old Natalie Vargo was the returning World Champion in Hunter Hack coming into the Youth World, but this year she had a brand new partner for the class. Last year, Natalie won with Art of The Deal. This year, she came out on top again with her new partner, a five-year-old gelding named Dancin In The Dirt, aka “Carter.”
Continue reading …Each year Paige and Executee have competed at the Youth World, they’ve won a trophy. They were Reserve in Yearling Mares, Third in Two-Year-Old Mares, and Reserve today in 3-Year-Old Mares. “She’s my trophy collector!” Paige jokes.
Continue reading …Returning World Champion Deanna Green rode her trusty Palomino mare, Blazinmytroublesaway, to score a 231.5 securing another World Champion title in Western Riding. But, it wasn’t smooth sailing the whole way. After a slight misstep in the preliminaries yesterday, Deanna and “Buttercup” received a second chance at redemption in the shootout round.
Continue reading …“Every time a judge came by, her ears went forward, her head went up, and she showed like a champ.”
Continue reading …This pair competes under the guidance of Ted Turner, which was evident from the bright orange tie that peeked out from Cooper’s show jacket. “You have to represent!” Cooper says. “You’ve got to wear some orange, somewhere.”
Continue reading …The Open EWD class was a new addition to the show schedule. Circuit award winner, Kyle Gay, was proud to share his success with his horse show family, Andy Wilson and Christina Lewis of Weatherwatch Performance Horses, who helped him achieve his goals. Everyone turned up ringside to cheer on his first time competing. With this resounding support Kyle was congratulated by judges and exhibitors alike. Show photographer, Megan Stapley, added a collection of photos to Kyle’s prizes.
Continue reading …To qualify as a new membership, the individual or entity cannot have been an APHA member in the past two years. All membership types are included in the drive: individual, joint, farm/ranch and youth. A minimum of 25 new memberships must be collected to qualify for the APHA Regional Club Membership Drive contest.
Continue reading …REMINDER: Entries for the 2016 All American Quarter Horse Congress are due August 25th. Click here to view the Congress Entry Book and Forms. Please note the following: STALL PAYMENTS Multiple checks, money orders, or credit cards will be accepted as payment for entry and stall fees. Entries for exhibitors wishing to stall together must be […]
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