The 2016 World Championship Appaloosa Show Premium Book is now online. Click here to view the Premium Book. Regional Club Qualifying Packet Deadline Reminder If your sponsored or co-sponsored shows occurred on or after August 1, 2016, your nominations, show results and membership lists must be received by the ApHC no later than September 5, […]
Continue reading …The Farnam Select all-around amateur is Jim Bound of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. Bound showed American Quarter Horse Bound To Cash Chex, owned by Jax Bound of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin. The 2007 palomino mare, by Nu Chex To Cash and out of SF Kings Firstlady, was bred by Hilldale Farm of Brashear, Texas. Bound and Bound To Cash Chex earned 60 points. They earned the world champion titles in tie-down roping and heading, reserve world champion title in breakaway, third place in ranch riding and seventh place in stake race.
Continue reading …Riders must be disabled veterans or active duty “wounded warriors,” who are participating in PATH Int. Equine Services For Horses programs or who have a Department of Veteran Affairs disability rating.
Continue reading …The U.S. team clinched the lead by five points, thanks to wins in horsemanship and showmanship, along with Top Five finishes in trail and hunt-seat equitation. The second-place team from Italy followed closely behind with Top Three placings in showmanship and horsemanship and trail.
Continue reading …Awards include a dazzling display of saddles, bronze trophies, custom hats, boots, clothing, and gear, along with plenty of added money.
Continue reading …Other major focal points built-in to the new show system package include encouraging entry-level competition, revamping the Year-End High Point Awards, changing the qualification process for the World Championship Appaloosa Show, promoting co-sponsored events with other regional clubs and/ or associations and to increase the number of carded ApHC-judges through the Guest Judge Program.
Continue reading …This regional championships features four days packed with a variety of classes, starting with junior reining at 7:30 a.m. on September 15 in the Event Center Arena. AQHA judges Leo Fourre, Gary Reynolds, Chris Jeter and Sandy Jirkovsky will judge the event. For a full show itinerary, visit
Continue reading …“It is our responsibility as APHA members to remember the past and honor those who have made today’s APHA possible,” Executive Director Billy Smith said. “The honorees of the 2016 Hall of Fame class have had significant impact on APHA.”
Continue reading …Open/Amateur Judges
Gigi Bailey – Maribel, WI
Dean Bogart – Delray Beach, FL
Kelly Boles Chapman – Bellevue, MI
Sally Jo Ward Freund – Kennewick, WA
Lori Gordon – Washington, PA
Larry Hansch – Nocona, TX
Sandy Jirkovsky – Kearney, NE
Tom McBeath – Union, MS
Michele Pearson – Cave Creek, AZ
Terry Thompson – Aubrey, TX
Tulsa, Okla., November 7-13, 2016 – The Pinto Horse Association of America, Inc. is proud to welcome the largest color breed horse show in the world. Colored horses from four different associations will gather for the Color Breed Congress, Nov. 7-13, 2016, at the Built Ford Tough Livestock Complex at the Expo Square in Tulsa, […]
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