We would welcome any candidate suggestions you may have for these new director roles. Board members will participate in focused discussions and also be asked to serve as the lead of one Foundation program, such as the Trainers Crisis Fund, Youth Scholarships, Equestrians with Disabilities, or Heroes on Horses and other Foundation related activities. NSBA Foundation board members also are actively involved in the organization and planning of our annual events at the NSBA World Championship Show providing key input on critical industry topics, expert speakers and other considerations.
Continue reading …“Thanks to an online format, the Breeders’ Trust Select Sale is more convenient and accessible than ever,” Director of Breeders’ Trust Candy Jebavy said. “There’s no hauling, stalling or stress for horse owners, and buyers can get in on the auction from the convenience of their own home. Simply put, it’s never been easier to enroll your Paint to go for APHA’s biggest payout.”
Continue reading …Horses eligible for N registration classification or registered a N or CN may now apply for advancement to Regular (#) classification through Leopard Complex (LP) genetic testing, if all genetic testing and advancement requirements are met. See Rule 239.E of the 2016 Official Handbook of the Appaloosa Horse Club.
Continue reading …Join us at the 2016 World Championship Appaloosa Show, October 21-29, at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, TX.
Continue reading …Mark Harrell Horse Shows is excited to announce the news of a trifecta of horse shows that will take place December 2016 – January 2017. Last year, this trio served up more than 23,000 entries!
Continue reading …Email, fax, or mail your entries in today, because the deadline is September 15th!
Continue reading …Voting for the 2017 APHA National Director election is now open, via the secure voting site ElectionBuddy.com. APHA members—the choice is in your hands: every director position is open during this election, and elected directors will serve a three-year term from 2017 to 2020.
Continue reading …The show features a wide array of classes including jumping, cattle, halter, western pleasure, ranch, and unique-to-the-breed horse-against-horse speed events. The Appaloosa Horse Club (ApHC) is pleased to announce the addition of select non-pro walk/trot classes and non-pro ranch classes to this year’s show roster.
Continue reading …Entries Due September 18 A Late fee of $40 will be imposed for entries submitted after 9/18/16 DO NOT MAIL/fax/email ENTRIES AFTER 9/18/16 Get It Done Today: Download the Stall Reservation Form Download the Entry Form Download the Credit Card Authorization Form The 2016 Farnam Arizona Fall Championships The Show For Everyone Futurities – Added Money Classes […]
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For academic scholarship consideration, students must be a member of the AjPHA or APHA for two years, must pass a college entrance examination, provide three letters of reference and submit an essay explaining their educational plans. After they have been granted a scholarship, they must maintain a “B” or better grade-point average to be eligible for renewal.
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