Stall assignments are now available for the 2016 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Arrival Dates and Times Cutting, Reining, and Roping Horses- Arrival: 8:00 am Wednesday, October 5th All other horses with pre-assigned stalls Early Arrival: 8:00 am Thursday, October 13th Regular Arrival: 8:00 am Friday, October 14th Stall office operates 24 hours a day through the […]
Continue reading …At the clinics, Professional Horsemen show the audience how they would complete a specific pattern from that show.
Continue reading …“I want a foal that is marketable to all, and in this day in time, money can be tight at times. If you are an open or amateur rider, each point represents a little bit of return on your showing endeavors at the end of the year. Horse showing is primarily a hobby for all competitors, but getting that check at the end of the year feels pretty good.”
Continue reading …With the help of Nancy Sue Ryan, Equitopia educators will teach how to properly engage the horse’s core through gymnastic exercises that produce a stronger, healthier riding horse and avoid painful back problems such as “kissing spine.”
Continue reading …One of the highlighted events on this year’s schedule is the $10,000 NSBA Maturity $10,000 Limited Horse Open Western Pleasure. A special bonus will be awarded to the highest placing limited rider.
Continue reading …New to the show this year, the Breeders Halter Futurity Color Division was a smash hit with 30 stallions enrolled and strong turnout in the Open and Amateur divisions.
Continue reading …This event is open to ALL breeds. The purse will be divided 75% among the top ten placing exhibitors in both open and non-pro challenges, and 25% will be paid to the top 10 in the Ranch Riding portion.
Continue reading …$1,500 cash has been added to the Showdown this year and cash prizes will be presented to the overall non-pro champion and overall open champion. In addition, each winner will receive a full page color ad in The Equine Chronicle and $500.
Continue reading …True or false? You have to own a Paint and compete in APHA shows to join AjPHA. If you answered “false,” you are absolutely right! Unfortunately, too many kids (and parents) believe AjPHA is only for Youth who own Paint Horses and show. The truth is there’s something for everyone who loves Paints and wants to be part of the AjPHA family of friends.
Continue reading …In 2016, the two classes offered are OBE weanling colts/geldings, tentatively scheduled for November 17, and OBE weanling fillies, slated for November 19. Any AQHA offspring by 2016 WCHA Futurity-enrolled stallions will be eligible to show.
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