“These shows are the best way for exhibitors to get their feet wet in AQHA championship shows,” said Charlie Hemphill, AQHA director of shows and new events. “The shows also give Level 1 exhibitors who place in the top 10 in any class the opportunity to qualify for the AQHA Level 1 Championships in 2018.”
Continue reading …REMINDER: Ohio Points for Level 2 and Level 3 Classes:
Level 3 Class-
Year End Awards and Team Points will be based off the combined Level 2 and Level 3 Judges Card. (If the Level 2 exhibitor places on the Level 3 judges card, Level 2 exhibitor will receive points in both the Level 3 and Level 2 classes). The Level 3 class will count towards the Year End All Around Awards. Points will be based on the total number shown in the Level 3 class (which is the combination of total number shown in the Level 2 and Level 3 class combined).
This year, colorful Paint Horse program alumni also have the opportunity to vie for APHA-sponsored trophy belt buckles, awarded to the highest-placing Paint Horse in the Legends of Ranching Maturity Horse Show. The show includes ranch riding and working cow horse classes, with both non-pro and open divisions available.
Continue reading …The American Quarter Horse Association and Robin Glenn Pedigrees are excited to announce that online reports for money-earners in the RGP Database now include AQHA points and awards. For the first time ever, owners can request a record that gives the whole picture: money earned and class placings in other organizations’ activity, plus AQHA points and awards.
Continue reading …For those who have been eagerly anticipating the release of the Solid Gold Futurity showbill, it’s here! The Solid Gold Futurity returns in 2017 to the Gateway Classic, May 25-28, in Lake St. Louis, MO.
Continue reading …The Northeast Paint Horse Championship is heading to a new venue for 2017. This year, the show takes place April 15–16 in conjunction with the Virginia Paint Horse Club’s Colors of Spring Show in Lexington, Virginia.
Continue reading …That number increased substantially in 2016 welcoming 11,223 entries across all divisions and all judges, landing them in the seventh spot overall. “It’s such an honor to be chosen as one of the top 10 AQHA circuits of 2016,” says Kathy Avolt of Mark Harrell Horse Shows. “We would like to thank everyone, including the exhibitors, sponsors, vendors, and trainers. The success of our event would not be possible without their generous support.”
Continue reading …NSBA World Championship Show August 12-20, 2017 Qualifying Ends April 30, 2017 The 2017 NSBA World Championship Show and Breeders Championship Futurity and Markel Insurance Yearling Sale are just around the corner. To learn more about qualifying, see a complete list of classes that require qualification or to see if you and your horse are […]
Continue reading …From early spring in Arizona to the tail end of the year in Florida, AQHA members turned out in droves to support shows and circuits across the United States. Combined, the top-10 AQHA circuits saw 96,750 entries in 2016. New this year, AQHA recognizes the top shows in the Equestrians With Disabilities, Level 1, Introductory and dressage categories.
Continue reading …Saturday morning’s Showmanship schedule featured a $250 Second Chance Showmanship class. Elizabeth Forney and One Hot Big Leaguer were the winners with Rebecca Volkert and the Getaway Car coming in second and Alyssa Freeman and Tether My Leather placing third.
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