Following review and approval from the AQHA Executive Committee, the points required to qualify for the 2018 AQHA Select World Championship Show, presented by Adequan® (polysulfated glycosaminoglycan), have been announced.
Continue reading …“He was a true horseman, as are Andrea and his daughters. I’m very pleased they’re continuing his legacy with this Futurity. I know he’s watching us, and I think he would be very pleased with the progress that APHA has made with breeding and promoting horses with correct conformation.”
Continue reading …For $25, you can “own” one of 60 horses that will be racing the night of the Gala. Your horse and Jockey’s name will appear in the evening’s program as well as on signage. There will be six prerecorded races throughout the evening where the guests can “Bet to Win.” It’s a way to give back to the Foundation and have a little fun!
Continue reading …Taking place concurrently with the APHA World Show, the World Conformation Horse Association’s Big Money Futurity brought big crowds and new faces to Fort Worth, Texas.
Continue reading …“Our entries in some classes have tripled; many of them have doubled. All of our exhibitors are excited to be in Fort Worth. APHA is seeing some increased entries as well in the halter, so it’s a win-win. The futurity has had, in the past, some pains with moving around, so we think this is going to be really great for both organizations.”
Continue reading …Ranch Riding
AQHA Professional Horseman Alex Ross
6 p.m. on Saturday, November 4
Barn 8
Hunt Seat Equitation
AQHA Professional Horsewoman Lainie DeBoer
6:15 p.m. on Thursday, November 9
Barn 8
AQHA Professional Horsewoman Kelly Chapman
4 p.m. on Saturday, November 11
Performance Arena
50-Year Legacy Breeders
M.L. Belcher Jr. of Holliday, Texas
Nonie Casselman of Stephenville, Texas
Larry Grantier of Winnett, Montana
Jelmer E. Johnson of Torrington, Wyoming
Mr. and Mrs. Roger D. Kraft of Austin, Minnesota
Gordon B. Mason of Killarney, Manitoba
Frank Perkins of Flint, Texas
Pat and Eddy Sparks of Taber, Alberta
The Daube Co. of Ardmore, Oklahoma
Melvin R. and Evelyn R. Thomas of Jordan, Montana
Donald A. Woitte of Clive, Alberta
J-D Inc. of Geneva, Nebraska
Gene Hunt of Eagle Butte, South Dakota
Before Too Sleepy For Candy passed away, she produced two embryos by VS Flatline that would eventually become two, red roan foals, one colt and one filly, named Adam and Eve.
Continue reading …Performance halter classes are offered only in the Open division, and the line up featured both Solid Paint-Bred and Regular Registry classes for mares, stallions and geldings.
Continue reading …No stranger to the Farnam Stakes program, Ryley was third as a 2-year-old and fourth as a 3-year-old. Yet the championship eluded the 2013 bay overo mare until this year. Pamela saddled up for her final shot at the Farnam cash—a total purse worth $8,270 in this year’s Non-Pro class.
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