The beginning days of the Congress are special for anyone in attendance. The air gets cooler while exhibitors and spectators alike begin to experience that unmistakable feeling because—the Congress is here.
Continue reading …AQHA is automatically extending all AQHA memberships that are due to expire between now and October 31, 2017, for an additional 90 days for areas affected by the hurricanes, earthquakes and wildfires. Members will receive a new renewal notice closer to their adjusted expiration date. Members will also receive a new AQHA membership card in the mail within the next few weeks that will reflect their adjusted expiration.
Continue reading …For three young horse women who are lifelong riders, the 2017 Congress has been one to remember. Each young woman has won the Congress before and all three decided to come again. Their passion and dedication to the industry is evident not only in their competitive rides in the show pen, but the bond and love they have with their horses.
Continue reading …On Saturday, young leaders will gain more understanding and brainstorm ways to adopt practices on topics such as how to run meetings in accordance to Robert’s Rules of Order, fundraising, outreach opportunities within and outside the horse industry, ways to involving younger youth in activities and more.
Continue reading …Sixteen collegiate equestrian riders have been chosen to participate in the 2017 American Quarter Horse Association Collegiate Horsemanship Challenge November 11-12 during the Lucas Oil AQHA World Championship Show in Oklahoma City.
Continue reading …The task force recommended lowering fees for AQHA shows under 500 entries, which affects the vast majority of our events and includes up to a 60-percent reduction for some,” said AQHA Executive Vice President Craig Huffhines. “The Executive Committee recognizes the financial sensitivity felt by our smaller shows and adopted this recommendation to lower the fees for these shows.”
Continue reading …“After my auto wreck that resulted in a skull fracture, broken jaw in multiple places, caved-in sinus wall, and a broken orbital socket floor, we thought I wouldn’t be able to ride like I used to. Instead, I started back up slowly by riding our pleasure horse, eventually worked my way back up to my barrel horses, to now riding a professional cutting horse at the All-American Quarter Horse Congress!”
Continue reading …HereIComAgain, owned by Katherine Tobin and shown by Deanna Searles, were awarded the BOS for the All Around Open Division at the 2017 Arizona Fall Championship Show.
Continue reading …APHA’s world shows haven’t cracked the 1,000-horse and 15,000-entry ceiling since the Youth World Show split from the Open/Amateur World Show in 2008. The show saw an increase in several key areas’ entries over the 2016 Open/Amateur World Show, including Amateur Walk-Trot classes (up 51%), Open Halter classes (up 22%), Novice Amateur classes (up 19%), Amateur Solid Paint-Bred classes (up 17%), total Open classes (up 10%) and Amateur performance classes (up 5%).
Continue reading …The Nutrena East is slated for May 2-6, 2018. AQHA and the World Equestrian Center have agreed to a three-year contract covering 2018-2020.
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