Judges will be Don McDuffee, David Terrell, Trisha Shorten-Armstrong, and Deb Jarvis. The event will be APHA and PtHA approved.
Continue reading …The Exhibitor’s Advisory Committee has also been working hard to bring a fun event to the show – the inaugural Pro/Am Versatility Challenge will be held on Sunday, July 1 in the Will Rogers Coliseum.
Continue reading …Here’s another #ShowTip from the Illinois Quarter Horse Youth Association, this time from youth riders, Lydia Brahler and Casey Philpot, who give a few tips for how they stay organized at the horse show. We LOVE the idea about using pre-printed stickers for entry forms with your horse’s info like registration name, number, owner, ect. Click here to […]
Continue reading …New Youth World Show Eligibility Requirements-
All horses must be owned/leased by the exhibitor or an eligible family member per Rule YP-015 as recorded by APHA postmarked by the pre-entry deadline, May 15. Youth or eligible family members who own/lease their horses after the May 15 postmark deadline (as recorded by APHA) are eligible to compete for Youth World Show titles and awards upon payment of a $500 fee (applied to the APHF Youth World Show Scholarship Fund), but they will not be eligible to earn scholarship money.
Continue reading …“I was in my mid 40s before I got to experience the exhilaration of a horse show. My daughters had taken up the sport. I bought us each a horse, and I participated in the ‘mom and pop’ and over 19 classes at their 4-H shows. I was hooked!”
Continue reading …Special thanks to the Illinois Quarter Horse Youth Association for sharing this #ShowTip with our EquineChronicle.com readers. See Robyn Garcia‘s advice for using KT tape in Showmanship below! Stay tuned to The Equine Chronicle on Facebook for more show tips, coming from ILQHYA. Click here to watch the video on our The Equine Chronicle FB page.
Continue reading …Oklahoma-
Avery Rees
Lauren Gralla
Nicholas Gralla
South Carolina-
Emma Haselden
Maggie Hemingway
Morgan Marlett
Stevie Brown
Taylor Brown
Over 19,000 class entries encompassed everything from Jumping to Roping and included a range of exhibitors from Level 1 to World Champions.
Continue reading …When you enter a D/A class, for example, like the Amateur Western Pleasure, you will pay $50 per class (not per ride/go). Then, after the second go, the composite placings will be tallied and 75% of the entry fees will be jackpotted back and paid on a 40%, 30%, 20% and 10% scale.
Continue reading …Gianna Pozzi – Hunt-Seat Equitation
A freshman from Spring Valley, Illinois, Gianna Pozzi will represent Team USA in hunt-seat equitation. She has an impressive riding resume including multiple APHA world and reserve world championships. She has held various leadership positions within Illinois Paint Horse Club and Wisconsin Paint Horse Club, and she is also an AjPHA national director. Gianna is very involved at school as a three-sport freshman athlete in volleyball, basketball and softball in addition to involvement in the Spanish club, pep club and volunteering at her local food pantry.
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