Hooked on the breed after attending the 1967 APHA National Show, Colin Beals jumped headfirst into the world of Paints. He registered his first Paints with APHA soon thereafter, was elected as a national director in 1968 and served as president in 1973 and 1974. During his tenure as president, Colin spearheaded the concept of multi-judge APHA shows. The purchase of My Painted Robin put Colin and his Arizona ranch on the map. He bred nearly 275 Paints, including many national champions.
Continue reading …Gain leadership experience from the state and youth affiliate by becoming involved with your state’s board of directors and officers.
Volunteer at shows, especially Level 1 and Rookie shows. Gain knowledge of how shows are run or help by being a ring steward, where you’ll get firsthand experience of how classes are judged.
Give input on ways to better your affiliate organization and be involved in decision-making.
Use your professional knowledge to help better your affiliate. If you’re an accountant, have a background in marketing, teaching – you name it – your affiliate can benefit from your skills.
Introduce new events, like dressage or Versatility Ranch Horse. Sometimes organizations lack resources to add specialized events; get involved and you can make it happen!
Represent your affiliate at the AQHA convention.
Meet more people from your affiliate and create lifelong friendships.
Scholarship programs are offered by some affiliates for youth who are involved. It’s a great way to help save money for college.
Receive awesome year-end awards for competing at affiliate-sanctioned shows.
Get plugged in! Your affiliate is the best way to get connected with Quarter Horse events happening in your state.
Mountain Trail includes boulders, trees, walls, water and bridges (some that move). These courses and obstacles do require proper engineering and inspection for IMTCA Certification, which is key for both horse and rider safety.
Continue reading …“I am so grateful to be selected for Team USA and to be surrounded by some of the greatest horsemen, women and leaders that AQHA has to offer,” Atkinson said. “I am excited to spend two weeks in College Station this summer, getting to know people from different countries, partaking in clinics and leadership activities, and of course, for the competition.”
Continue reading …Accept what you can’t change. In this sport, there can be countless uncontrollable factors: your horse spooks, the judge misses a major mistake made by your opponent, you’re denied a re-ride, and more. To maintain peace of mind, you must be able to let go of the things that are out of your hands. Allowing these factors to occupy your mind is a waste of mental energy—something an athlete can’t afford to misuse. It’s best to channel energy toward factors that can be controlled.
Continue reading …The Ohio Quarter Horse Foundation is excited to announce that we will be bringing the Congress Classroom to the SOQHA Challenge and Madness shows again in 2018! We recognize that it is not easy to stay on top of your academics or work while competing, so we will be providing wireless internet and a printer to help you do all your work while at the show.
Continue reading …The 2018 Keystone Classic is coming to Glouchester County Dream Park in Logan Township, NJ. May 25-27. Judges will be Roger Johnson, Steve Bennett, Michael Ochetto, and Dave Parlier.
Continue reading …All Amateur exhibitors at the 2018 APHA World Championship Show have the chance to win—a random drawing for the trailer will take place during the World Show, and each Amateur class entry at the event counts as a trailer entry. So the more Amateur classes you enter at the World Show, the more opportunities you have to win. The winner receives a three-horse slant Platinum trailer with a tack room, and it’s the winner’s to keep.
Continue reading …Everyone’s favorite charity horse show is returning to Lake St. Louis March 28-31 with the intention of loping and leading for a cure for cancer. Over the years, this annual event has helped raise over $650,000 for the cause, a large portion of which has gone to the St. Louis Children’s Hospital!
Continue reading …Save the date for the 2018 Pinto World Championship Show and the 2018 Color Breed Congress, which are both fast approaching!
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