The APHA NCEA Academic Honor Roll recognizes the top academic student-athletes who have earned a cumulative GPA of 3.25 while maintaining full-time enrollment in the previous spring (2017) and fall (2017) semesters, respectively.
Continue reading …After learning the proper technique, people got the opportunity to measure, hands on, with two miniature horses in the hotel foyer! Jamee Bornstein brought two miniature horses into the hotel and allowed members to stand up the horses the right way and use the measuring stick. While it was a lot of fun, it was also quite the unique learning experience.
Continue reading …The National Collegiate Equestrian Association announced Monday this year’s Santa Cruz Animal Health Top 10 Horses. The top horses were selected from each of the four events in the NCEA; reining, horsemanship, equitation on the flat, and equitation over fences.
Continue reading …“The idea of getting their name called and being presented with that ribbon, in the arena, in front of everyone, is what they want. I feel some of that fanfare has been left out at a lot of shows.”
Continue reading …Spurred by the popularity of ranch horse events that celebrate the versatility and workmanship of a cattleman’s best asset, APHA and Equibrand have teamed up to host the inaugural Ranch Work Championship July 7 at the Will Rogers Memorial Center in Fort Worth, Texas.
Continue reading …Students who achieved a grade point average of 3.8 or higher received First Team honors and students who earned a grade point average of 3.5 or higher received Second Team honors.
Continue reading …Presenters at the workshop included horse industry professionals, post-secondary educators, therapeutic riding instructors, business & industry professionals, family members and riders. The theme of the event was “A Model of Inclusion for all Riders.” Participants also received Continuing Education credit for 16 hours of professional development.
Continue reading …Horses eligible for Non-Characteristic (N) registration or registered as N and denied advancement after all properly completed advancement requirements have been submitted to the satisfaction of the Registrar may advance to Regular through Leopard Complex (LP) genetic testing if all of the following requirements are met.
Continue reading …Riders must have competed in a minimum of 70 percent of the school’s meets, not including demo or exhibition rides. Earned a cumulative GPA of 3.5 while maintaining full-time enrollment in the previous spring and fall semesters, respectively.
Continue reading …The Stock Show will award $2,500 guaranteed to the winner of their Green Stakes class, and the GQHA will award a guaranteed $5,000 to the winner of the Kim Rich Memorial Green Pleasure. Add in the Stock Show’s $1,000 3-year-old Open Western Pleasure and $1,000 3-year-old limited Open Western Pleasure and that’s just a couple more reasons to join us!
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