The 2018 VQHA Virginia Bred Classes, supported by the Virginia Horse Industry Board, will again be held with the End Of Summer AQHA Show Circuit in Culpeper, VA. The show circuit will be held over September 14 through 16, 2018.
Continue reading …The 2018 AQHA Select World Championship Show just wrapped up its final year in Amarillo, Texas, crowning numerous familiar faces and a few new ones as well.
Continue reading …With respect to drug violations, the Executive Committee has granted AQHA staff the authority to offer individuals who are the subject of a drug violation an offer of penalty from established penalties that have been previously issued for violations associated with specific drugs and/or specific categories of drugs. If an offer of penalty is rejected and a hearing is requested, the matter is referred to the Show Rule Violations Committee (SRVC).
Continue reading …As a means to conclude the program, AQHA is cancelling 2017 stallion nominations and will refund the amount paid. At the end of the 2018 show season, the Association will also refund 2017 foal nominations for those who did not earn any points.
Continue reading …If your ApHC-eligible foal is the result of a breeding to an AQHA-registered stallion or mare born on or after January 1, 2007 with an HYPP status of NH or HH, it will be required to be HYPP tested at the same time it is parentage verified in order to be registered.
Continue reading …Interested youth must be a Colorado or Wyoming resident between 14 – 21 years of age and will be selected based on the procedure for the $20,000 RAM Invitational Freestyle Reining. They will submit a completed application and a short video showing the horse/rider pair’s potential for a freestyle reining performance no later than September 30, 2018. Riders must have a current NRHA membership card and horses must have a current NRHA license to be considered. Selections will be based on quality, talent, creativity and entertainment.
Continue reading …Taking place on opening day January 12, 2019, the Mentor Matchup will match selected youth with industry professionals who will act as their “coach” for the day. They will be given one-on-one practice time in the morning followed by a competition in the afternoon. A Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion will be named and awarded prize money of $1,000 and $500, respectively. Each of the remaining competitors will receive $100.
Continue reading …The Alumni Tournament of Champions is an IHSA style horse show for IHSA alumni from around the country. Riders draw horses before competing and are not able to practice on the horse before walking into the show ring. The purpose of the show is to expand opportunities for IHSA Alumni to ride in a finals type atmosphere, as many only show a few times a year with busy careers and limited funds.
Continue reading …One of the most unique aspects of the AEL is that riders leave the show with a set of written comments from the judge about their performance, letting them know what they are doing well and what they still need to work on.
Continue reading …This year’s judges are Michele Pearson, Debbie Cooper, Kelly Smith, Suzy Jeanne, Doug Huls, Lita Hottel. The show includes a full slate of Western and English rail classes, including Ranch Riding, a 3-year old Trail Futurity and new for 2018 – Reining classes for Novice Amateur, Amateur, Jr and Sr Horses.
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