There will be $15,000 awarded to the winner of both the 3 & Over Novice Horse Western Pleasure and 3 & Over Maiden Horse Western Pleasure. There will be Champion and Reserve Champion Intermediate and Limited Rider awards too. In addition, the $2,000 Harris Bonus Challenge will be back again.
Continue reading …“Steve, your Dad is in the hospital.” These are the first words I remember from my the beginning of my horse show life. It all happened when my father broke his hip at a horse show. After that, I never wanted to ride. Ever. But, as it turns out, I kind of have a knack for showing horses.
Continue reading …The 2019 list includes 22 rule change proposals that could affect everything from the number of Paint parents required for Regular Registry to the number of points allowed before a horse becomes ineligible for the Green division. Check out a few highlights below.
Continue reading …Sign-up for the guided Horse Farm Tour on Thursday, March 7, from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. During the guided tour, you will enjoy beautiful vistas and relaxing backroads and will see miles of pipe-and-rail fencing, gorgeous countryside, impressive barns and lots of horses. The Horse Farm Tour is $45 per person and includes lunch. You can also relax, unwind and enjoy a selection of wines and light hors d’oeuvres at the Wine Thief, conveniently located in the Omni Hotel adjacent to Bob’s Steak & Chop House. The Wine Tasting is Saturday, March 9, from 2 to 4 p.m. and is $40 per person. You must sign-up for both of these events by March 1.
Continue reading …Novice classes and divisions have been added, but the Novice process has not changed. All exhibitors wishing to participate in Novice classes just apply and have a Novice designation on their membership card. They must qualify for the class in which they want to participate. To qualify, the exhibitor must have earned less than 50 points in that class (both Novice and regular Youth and/or Amateur), counting all breed associations in which they have competed with all equine they have competed with for the past ten years.
Continue reading …The 3-day workshop is designed for equine industry professionals, therapeutic riding center coaches, staff, volunteers or any interested stakeholder to explore opportunities for engagement and expansion of current or new riding programs. It also includes instruction about NSBA competitive events for the inclusion of Equestrians with Disabilities or Veterans using horses as a form of therapeutic riding. Complete details and agenda of the 3 day event will be released in early 2019.
Continue reading …As a joint effort between Wrangler and the American Quarter Horse Association, Team Wrangler promotes educational outreach for the horse industry. The 2018-2019 team is as versatile as the American Quarter Horse, comprising top AQHA Professional Horsemen from across the disciplines – from halter to all-around and roping to racing.
Continue reading …Chris Darnell – President, Clay MacLeod – President-Elect, Johne Dobbs – First Vice President, Janet Gunn – Second Vice President, Clay MacLeod – Treasurer, Charles Cannizzaro – Secretary
Continue reading …NSBA sees great things for the future of the show horse, enroll today, and reap the rewards for generations to come.
Continue reading …Since January, some American Quarter Horse Youth Association members have recorded their progress training a yearling bred by a Zoetis American Quarter Horse Association Ranching Heritage Breeder. Recently, four AQHYA members were named scholarship winners for the 2018 Zoetis AQHA Ranching Heritage Young Horse Development Program.
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