The stage is set for a spring showdown, and all APHA exhibitors are invited to attend! The APHA Eastern National Championship takes place March 22–24 at the Virginia Horse Center in Lexington, Virginia, and now is the time to make your entries: the Premium Book and entry forms are now available.
Continue reading …Prior to NWSS, individuals ages 14-21 from Colorado and Wyoming were encouraged to apply for the inaugural program. On January 12, 2019, ten selected youth were paired with industry professionals who acted as their “coach” or “mentor” for the day. Donned in matching shirts, the selected youth received one-on-one practice time with their coach, rotating through area to practice various skills. Then the youth competed against each other for scholarship money provided by the National Western Scholarship Trust. They were asked to complete a ranch trail pattern, a ranch riding pattern, a modified reining pattern then they chose to box, rope or fence a cow.
Continue reading …The schedule is new this year with more leveled classes and added money classes including The Equine Chronicle 3 & Over Novice Horse Western Pleasure, 3 & Over Maiden Horse Western Pleasure and the 4 & Over SOQHA Trail Slot class. All of these classes this year, will be NSBA approved.
Continue reading …DAVIS, Calif. — The UC Davis equestrian team kicked of its 2018-19 campaign in a big way on Thursday afternoon, earning the program’s first-ever win in its inaugural home meet against United Equestrian Conference colleague No. 9 Delaware State.
Continue reading …The Zoetis AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse World Championships, Zoetis AQHA Ranching Heritage Challenge Finals, AQHA Level 1 Cattle Championships and National Ranch and Stock Horse Alliance National Championship Show are tentatively scheduled for June 18-23 at the Lazy E Arena in Guthrie, Oklahoma.
Continue reading …According to this open letter by AQHA Executive Vice President Craig Huffhines, AQHA is seriously considering relocating the association headquarters from Amarillo to Fort Worth, Texas.
Continue reading …2. Name choices: Provide three options. Do not exceed 20 letters and spaces. Punctuation, special characters, numbers, or Roman numerals are not allowed.
Continue reading …The meet concluded with TCU earning its third sweep of the day in Horsemanship. The Frogs were led by Drew Rogers and Marah Huston who earned 74 and 74.5, respectively. Drew Rogers won the MOP, while Anna Hauter and Natalia DeVencenty also picked up points.
Continue reading …On April 11-14, the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio, will host Equine Affaire, a four-day equine extravaganza filled with educational clinics, North America’s largest horse-related trade show, competitions, entertainment and much more. Reserve your “For Sale” stall or “Horse and Farm Exhibit” stall today to secure the perfect opportunity to market yourself, your farm and your sale horses at North America’s premiere equine exposition and equestrian gathering.
Continue reading …NCEA WACO, Texas – The United Equestrian Conference announced its Riders of the Week on Wednesday. EQUITATION ON THE FLAT RIDER OF THE WEEK Kenzie Mezrah • UT Martin Went 1-0 last week for the Skyhawks in equitation on the flat and helped lead UT Martin to an 11-9 victory over No. 6 Georgia at home. […]
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