At The Equine Chronicle Masters event at the Quarter Horse Congress, the Ohio Quarter Horse Association and the All American Quarter Horse Congress recognized our Show Manager, Bob Geesaman, who has served at the All American Quarter Horse Congress for 50 years.
Continue reading …APHA’s Lone Star Gathering brought conformation-horse enthusiasts together to vie for more than $1 million while showcasing chrome in a big way.
Continue reading …The 2022 Nutrena East AQHA Level 1 Championships is tentatively scheduled for April 27 to May 1 at the World Equestrian Center in Wilmington, Ohio. The Nutrena West AQHA Level 1 Championships is slated for May 18-22 and will be held in conjunction with the Arizona Quarter Horse Association’s Pinnacle Circuit at WestWorld in Scottsdale, Arizona. Both events will feature Level 1, Rookie and walk-trot championship classes.
Continue reading …Without her love for horses, riding, and desire to be the best, Jerry never could have done it. He pushed her to live out her dream, and she inspired him to do what he thought was impossible.
Continue reading …AAQHC Today, the All American Quarter Horse Congress recognized Susan Scott, a decorated American Quarter Horse Association and National Snaffle Bit Association owner and exhibitor. Nancy Wilkerson-Ditty, Susan’s daughter, and her family accepted the Lifetime Achievement Award in honor and memory of her mother. Susan will always be remembered as a force in the equine […]
Continue reading …Christian Jauntig is launching his own management company starting in 2022 called Topline Event Management. The company will specialize in managing AQHA and APHA shows across the country. Christian has been involved in the AQHA industry for over a decade in many positions including show manager, show secretary, ring steward, announcer and more. He is […]
Continue reading …The World Equestrian Center- Ocala, with its gleaming new facility, well-appointed arenas, and grand atmosphere, provided a spectacular setting for the inaugural Championship Show that took place September 29th through October 10th with an estimated purse of $2,000,000.
Continue reading …The Freestyle event is divided into 2 divisions: the open and the non pro. The open division champion was Benjamin Beckett, riding Xtra Dun Step. Beckett had an amazing, upbeat routine outfitted with jorts (jean shorts) and a cut off beer t-shirt. He had friends outfitted in a similar manor with a beer pong table, keg, and red solo cups as props. He ended his performance by his friends getting chased out of the arena when the cops showed up, and him and Xtra Dun Step getting escorted out of the arena.
Continue reading …PHJ release Having access to news regarding APHA events and other significant association matters has never been more essential. We want to make sure you receive the important emails we send so you can make the best decisions for you and your Paints. If you’ve ever expected an email that—for some reason—never came to […]
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