Dryce, an APHA member from Fairfield, Texas, qualified for the timed event challenge by having clean, fast, runs during the stock show’s APHA roping classes, held earlier in the week. The 65 fastest times from the stock show’s Paint and Quarter Horse shows were invited to return for the challenge, which consisted of one go-round and premium money awards.
Continue reading …Because the 2014 March To The Arch is quickly approaching, Mark Harrell Horse Shows has a special Valentine’s Day treat… The patterns for the horse show have been posted early!
Continue reading …Twenty one-year-old Katherine Schmidt, of Ridgefield, CT, emerged victorious from the Collegiate Equitation Championship on Friday evening at the FTI WEF. Schmidt is a junior at the University of South Carolina (USC), where she is a double major in Marketing and Management.
Continue reading …With their 8-2 victory Sunday, the Horned Frogs, now 5-3 on the season, dominated the Hornets to the tune of 15-3 between the two day’s of competition. The win moved the Horned Frogs to 3-1 all-time in Stock Show Duels and improved the Frogs record to 4-1 at home this season.
Continue reading …Ohio Amateur Quarter Horse Association Show Committee member, Kristin Martin, says the show is expected to sell out of stalls, even though they have added more for this year. Additional camping spots have been added for 2014 and are also expected to sell out.
Continue reading …The Indiana Quarter Horse Youth Association will host five judges for the 2014 IQHYA event that’s scheduled to take place April 24-27 at the C Bar C Arena in Cloverdale, Indiana. Judges will include Brett Clark, Mike Carter, Rob Meneely and two TBA judges.
Continue reading …“Because it’s all about breeders and mare owners, and, ultimately, an exhibitor heading to horse shows with the offspring, we felt the Congress was a great place to stage these seldom offered Get of Sire and Produce of Dam classes,” says Congress Chair Casey West.
Continue reading …Friday’s section between the two foes will consist of only five Western riders from each team and start at approximately 5:00 p.m. CT at John Justin Arena. On Sunday, the two teams will wrap-up competition with Hunt Seat action at 10:00 a.m. CT.
Continue reading …To qualify, each candidate must be between the ages of 14-17 and reside in the territory and zone that he/she wishes to represent. The newly appointed AYA Directors will serve a two-year term, while the returning AYA Directors will serve the second year of their current term.
Continue reading …As the standard setting-body for the sport of Reining, NRHA now will approve and recognize Adaptive Reining classes and bring the sport to reining enthusiasts of all ability levels. The program’s standards, rules and policies will ensure NRHA’s ability to offer an inclusive, safe and fun environment for para-equestrians worldwide.
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