Each of the following 14 shows counts for a minimum of one show and two judges—to qualify for the APHA World Show, a Paint Horse must have participated in at least four shows and eight judges.
Continue reading …Jennings adds, “The Super Sale has posted completed sales of around 85% over the last several years, which is an excellent percentage sold, even in a strong economy. The 2013 sale average price of $5,619 showed an increase of 4% over the 2012 auction. ”
Continue reading …Youth and Amateur Rookies of the Year earn trophy buckles and custom Cowboy Bronze trophies painted in the likeness of their horses.
Continue reading …Judges for the event will be Chris Jones, Gretchen Mathes, Charlene Carter, and Will Knabenshue.
Continue reading …“Winning this title three years in a row is incredible, and I still can’t believe it, even thought I knew I had a really good horse and that it could be done.”
Continue reading …Louisiana Paint Horse Club- New Iberia, Louisiana
Green Country Paint Horse Club- Tulsa, Oklahoma
Paint Performance Horse Super Stakes- Alvarado, Texas
This year, there is no qualifying required for the Youth World Show. So bring your favorite Paint Horse and show your stuff!
Continue reading …“I feel this partnership will bring our breeds together and most of all contribute to the growth of the sport of Reining as a whole.”
Continue reading …In addition to the competition and shopping, several special events will take place over the 13-day period. The Costume Class, Challenged Rider’s Leadline, and Versatilities are always a big hit. On Flag Day, you can take the opportunity to honor our military personnel through the Parade of Heroes and Operation Free Ride event, taking place that afternoon.
Continue reading …Show management’s plan to take advantage of warmer temperatures seems to be playing out in their favor as the 2014 Martinganza Quarter Horse Show and Futurity kicks off today in Williamston, North Carolina to sunny skies and temperatures predicted to stay in the 60-80 range throughout the weekend.
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