It was clear by watching the 11 and Under Western Pleasure this afternoon at the Quarter Horse Congress that we have a whole new crop of future Congress Champions in our midst.
Continue reading …Two Highpoint Performance Horses riders dominated the NSBA Maturity Hunter Under Saddle Stakes classes this afternoon at the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress. First up was Beth Case in the Maturity Open Hunter Under Saddle Stakes riding Willy Has Potential for owner Emily Miller. The pair received a check for $3,528.66 for their efforts in addition to both the Congress and NSBA bronze trophies.
Continue reading …Those watching the Junior Trail finals today at the 2014 All American Quarter Horse Congress had the opportunity to witness history being made as Bruce Vickery rode Signature Absolute to score a whopping 239 to win the Junior Trail by a margin of 6.5 points. Although Vickery knew he was racking up plus points on many of the obstacles, he had no idea the score would be quite so big.
Continue reading …Although Claire was confident that her pattern would receive a good score, she had no idea she was about to be named the Congress Champion. How does she feel? In a word, “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!”
Continue reading …UPDATE: Congratulations to the Grand Champion Youth Gelding- Be A Gunslinger and Reserve Grand Champion Gelding- RPL My Te Cheerful!
Continue reading …“When you’re the biggest horse in the pen, and sometimes the slowest, it’s really cool.”
Continue reading …“When they ask you to drop your irons, it really shows who the strong riders are. It’s definitely, by far, my favorite class.”
Continue reading …“I just can’t believe it. You come here hoping to have the best ride you can. To actually accomplish something is the best feeling ever.”
Continue reading …“She is really good at any kind of complicated maneuver,” he says. “Because she is so smart, she can kind of get in there and work herself through it, and I don’t really have to help her.”
Continue reading …UPDATE: Just moments ago, the Grand Champion Youth Mare was determined to be Miss Kittee with Monica Hamm. The Reserve Grand Champion Youth Mare is Giancarla with Kaylee Hamm
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