The AQHA Professional Horsemen’s Council is hosting an online auction to raise money for the Guy Stoops Professional Horsemen’s Scholarship Fund during the 2021 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show.
Continue reading …“We also really made it our goal to let everything flow together and to go out there and trust myself, trust Honey, and have the best pattern we possibly could.”
Continue reading …Cherish them, because that teammate you have right now as you walk down the Gateway of Champions won’t always be there. Someday, you’ll look down, and it won’t be the same neck to pat. Cherish every single ride you get. You never know when it’ll be the last.
Continue reading …“I just did Level 2 Showmanship right before this class, so I made sure to review the pattern, correct my mistakes, and apply that to this pattern. There were different patterns, but they all have similar things. I evaluated the level 3 pattern before we got here, watched a couple of draws, and went in.”
Continue reading …AQHA Publicity The 2021 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show is almost here! Please review the following information and tips to help you get ready: Access the official souvenir digital Ford Youth World Show Program online. We want to know more about you! Complete your official Ford Youth World bio form to share your […]
Continue reading …Click on the links below to view results from the Northern MI QHA Show that recently took place July 23-25 in Midland, MI. The judge for the L1 show was Tammy Braham. Judges for the weekend show were John Boxell and Judd Paul. Results courtesy of An Equine Production. Level 1 show results S/C results […]
Continue reading …Start Planning for Fall! Opportunities For Winning Big Have Expanded. The AZ Fall Championship has something for everyone at every level. AQHA, NSBA, NRHA, NRCHA and Ranch classes with loads of great awards and prize money. Non Pro Saddle Awards Bob’s Custom Saddles $4,200 Gift Certificate Non Pro & L1 Non Pro divisions. Counting points from […]
Continue reading …The American Quarter Horse Youth Association Executive Committee and regional directors are excited to partner with a women’s shelter, the YWCA Oklahoma City, to host a toiletry drive during the 2021 Built Ford Tough AQHYA World Championship Show July 28 – August 8 at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.
Continue reading …APHA’s Youth World Games team members are some of the top APHA youth exhibitors from around the world. Not only will they compete for individual awards, but they will also compete for overall team awards.
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