Exhibitors riding tobiano and tovero horses had an extra 2,000 reasons to smile at the 2021 APHA World Championship Show—those competitors in select reining, ranch, working cow horse and cutting classes were automatically eligible for a $2,000 incentive bonus in select divisions in an innovative incentive program proposed and sponsored by APHA members. A $2,000 bonus was awarded to the overall highest-scoring entry in each of the sponsored discipline groups. The concept was the brainchild of Peter & Missy Benker and Jay Clark, and also supported byKelly Pinkston, D.V.M. Any tobiano or tovero entered in these 2021 World Show classes was automatically eligible for the incentive.
Continue reading …Adair FFA of Adair, Oklahoma took home the title of AQHYA Horse Judging World Champions at the AQHYA World Championship Judging Contest on August 2 at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City.
The top individual high-point title was awarded to Connor Pell, representing Adair FFA.
Continue reading …This AQHA Youth World Show marked a very special occasion for Emma Grace Gore, because she completed an impressive hat trick by winning 13 and under Horsemanship three years in a row, with three different horses! First, she won the class with her trusty roan mare, My Only Good Shoes, aka “Dottie.” Then, after Dottie sadly passed, Emma partnered up with Krymsun N Gold, aka “King.” Now, Emma is showing her relatively new all-around horse, KM Genuinely Best, or “Benny,” her partner for this most recent win.
Continue reading …COLUMBUS, OH – It’s that time of year again. It’s time to submit your entries for the 2021 All American Quarter Horse Congress! The 2021 All American Quarter Horse Congress is scheduled for September 28 – October 24 at the Ohio Expo Center in Columbus, Ohio. All Congress horse show entries must be postmarked by […]
Continue reading …Camille Kennedy won her first golden globe today at the AQHA Youth World show with her trusty partner, The Perfect Kryme, aka “Clyde.” And that’s not all. This pair also won L2 Trail earlier in the show.
Continue reading …Grant Mastin and Hand Made Machine won their first golden globe here at the AQHA Youth World by winning 14-18 Trail. Grant and “Carl” have been a team for six years now. They compete under the guidance of Ryan Cottingim and Mandy Gately.
Continue reading …AAQHC OPEN TO ALL BREEDS Accepting Ranch, Trail, Reining, Cutting, Cow Horses Enter ONLINE Here Download & Print an Entry Form HERE PRIOR TO AUCTION ALL ENTRIES WILL BE SCREENED – Provide Veterinary Examination Form – Confirm required radiographs have been received. – Provides results of eye exam – Provide statement of age for unregistered horses […]
Continue reading …During her young career as an equestrian, Alexia has learned how to adapt to riding different horses in different disciplines, a skill she credits in large part to her trainer, Brent Tincher’s, guidance.
Continue reading …Dear Emily, The best advice I can give you is to keep up your good work ethic, not only while showing, but also behind the scenes. Working hard not only sets you up for success, but it also allows you to know in your mind that you put it all on the table. Every person […]
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