Zips Bossy Chip has smashed through American Quarter Horse Hall of Famer Van Decka’s 30-year record for the all-time leading youth horse by points. The record was set 30 years ago.
Continue reading …Effective immediately for the 2018 APHA World Championship Show, the APHA World Show qualifying requirement has been modified to provide expanded qualifying options for Paint Horses.
To qualify for the APHA World Championship Show, a horse must:
Participate in a minimum of two APHA-approved events during the qualifying period. There is no minimum judge requirement.
Pay a $1,000 per show qualifying fee if the horse has not participated in the minimum-required APHA-approved events during the qualifying period. This is done at the time of World Show entry. The fee is $2,000 if the horse has not attended any APHA-approved events.
All other qualifying criteria and exemptions remain the same.
According to Dressage News, an American horse sale agent, Caroline Roffman is being sued for “alleged fraud” and “intentionally misrepresenting” the sale price of a horse. The suit claims the horse was actually sold for $900,000 while the sale price presented to the owner was $300,000.
Continue reading …“Halter is the basis for establishing the standard of the breed,” said Luba. “We want to determine whether a nomination program, in addition to the current qualifying methods, will contribute to the stabilization of halter entries at the world shows and increase the purses for these classes.”
Continue reading …There is an urgent need for hay and feed, potable water, vet supplies, veterinary care, fencing and portable stalls. Many are concerned that equines with lacerations and puncture wounds from flying objects or from the horses running into debris are without proper medicine and clean water is scarce.
Continue reading …We reunited Tammy Tease with her mare “Cyanne” as well as Carl Mahony with his gelding “Interstate.” Unfortunately, they lost everything but were overjoyed to have their “babies” back and were extremely grateful for the care their horses received while with us. To help them get through the next few weeks, we supplied them with some hay and grain that has been donated to us.
Continue reading …Recent industry headlines have chronicled stories about areas of concern in racing that still need to be addressed. The American Quarter Horse Association is committed to protecting the welfare of the American Quarter Horse on and off the racetrack. The Association has not joined in the barrage of media focused on these topics; instead, AQHA has been focused on creating positive improvements by diligently working to encourage and implement positive reform.
Continue reading …When needs cannot be met by boat or vehicle, the Texas Army National Guard has flown in and air dropped more than 210,000 pounds of hay, generously donated by individuals across the state and nation, to livestock marooned by floodwaters.
Continue reading …Country music star, Dwight Yoakam, along with special guest, Runaway June, will be coming to the 2017 All American Quarter Horse Congress this October. Tickets for the event go on sale Friday at 10 am, starting at $25.
Continue reading …Under the current campaign, 100% of the money raised will be used to benefit the equine victims of Hurricane Irma through regional equine disaster relief efforts via the USEF Equine Disaster Relief Fund.
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