Tips For Being a Better Exhibitor, From a Scribe’s Perspective
Continue reading …“Some credit cards offer great rewards like hotel and flight discounts with points. Use this to your advantage by putting the money you would already spend on the card with the best rewards, which you could hopefully use for a flight to Oklahoma for the World Show in a few months, for example.”
Continue reading …Now, I need to have the conversation with my news director about needing a few hours off, last minute, to go pick up and deliver semen. That should be interesting.
Continue reading …When you know about the work that goes on behind-the-scenes, you are better able to appreciate the spectacle that comes together under the big, bright lights.
Continue reading …Rain has been falling here in drought stricken California, and I think it has been a metaphor for what has been going on out of the show pen for me.
Continue reading …While at home and at the show, I will practice riding around cones without asking my horse to perform any maneuvers or transitions at the cones. Horses often associate cones with a pattern maneuver, so riding past them will help your horse dissociate the two and prevent anticipation.
Continue reading …These creaky joints are raising a fuss more and more these days. On the flip side, I would say that I know a few more tricks than I did a decade or so ago.
Continue reading …I sat down and figured out the total breeding expenses for a resulting foal.
Continue reading …I haven’t performed any scientific studies or anything, and I don’t know if his holds true for all horse breeds in all areas of the country, but around the Midwest where I show, I see a lot of Russell Terriers, Welsh Corgis, and Australian Shepherds wandering around at the horse shows.
Continue reading …Tuesday- If you want to grow your business, do something scary and out of your comfort zone today. Call prospects for the horse you have for sale, make a video of yourself giving tips about horsemanship, or delegate a task you love to an assistant.
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