Bravissimo! Paint Reiners Collect Chrome Cash in Italy

By Irene Stamatelakys, PHJ News
Photos by Bonaga Communication
Chrome Cash and Paint reiners set the crowd on fire, winning hearts and Paint-only payouts at the 2023 NRHA European Futurity May 23-27 at the Salone del Cavallo Americano in Cremona, Italy. Thanks to generous support from Arcese Quarter Horses, APHA’s incentive program awarded more than $10,000 USD in prize money to APHA members and Paint Horses. The event attracted more than 320 entries from 11 countries.
Chrome Cash 2023 Champions
VD Snarling Miracle & Simone Schiavo: APHA Futurity Open Level 4 Chrome Cash Champion—$1,078.50
The duo marked a 211 for owner Andrea Pedrotti of Cadevine (TN), Italy. VD Snarling Miracle (top, right) is a 2019 sorrel overo mare by BB One Miracled Gun and out of San River Clara Cay (QH).
- Little Perfect Face & Jurgen Pritz: APHA Futurity Non-Pro Level 4 Champion—$1,797.50
Jurgen scored a 213 with Little Perfect Face (top, left), a 2019 palomino overo stallion by NRHA $3 Million Sire Pale Face Dunnit and out of Wimpys Little Bonita (QH). Denise Laengle-Pritz of Rankweil, Austria, owns the stallion.
- Genius Of Spooks & Grischa Ludwig: APHA Open Chrome Cash Champion—$2,157
Grischa and Genius Of Spooks (right) earned a 220 score, successfully defending their 2022 Chrome Cash Champion title and tying with Mello Yellow Jersey and Bernard Fonck to share the NRHA Open win. Genius Of Spooks is a 2016 dun solid stallion by NRHA $5 Million Sire Spooks Gotta Whiz and out of A Spark Of Genius (QH). He is owned by MCM Van Doorne of Hernen, the Netherlands. The win pushed Griescha over the NRHA million-dollar mark in lifetime earnings.
As Just In Time & Lucio Marcello Lavezzari: APHA Amateur Chrome Cash Champion—$2,273.75
18-year-old Lucio Marcello Lavezzari (left) and As Just In Time struck gold with a 212.5. They also tied for fourth place overall in the Non-Pro class. As Just In Time is a 2017 sorrel solid gelding by One Gun and out of FG Easter Calbar (QH) owned by Lucio of Paderno, Italy.
The NRHA European Futurity is an NRHA-owned event featuring $529,858 in added money—the highest in the event’s 15-year history of the event. It included $279,828 from the NRHA Nomination Program and $250,000 from NRHA European Futurity sponsors. For complete results, visit