EC Writer Kory Kumar and her daughter, Mira, with Ill Make You Flatline, aka “Chanel.” Photo credit: Magic Look Photo & Design
EC Blog by Kory Kumar
When it comes to horses, you either fall into the category of a child obsessed with horses, but who eventually outgrows the obsession, or the child who never gets over that obsession. I’m positive that my parents thought I would grow out of my “horse obsessed phase.” They likely hoped I would too, as the years of riding and showing stretched on and on before them. Sorry Mom and Dad. I’ve never outgrown my love of horses, and exhibiting horses, and now I’m so happy to share that love with my own daughter.
It’s a complete joy to watch your child discover things they really enjoy. One of the many privileges of being a parent is being able to cheer for your child and watch as they grow and improve their skills. When it comes to horses, there are so many things that can have a positive impact on a child’s overall growth and development.
Let’s be honest. Caring for and exhibiting horses builds a great deal more than just riding skills. I would not be the person I am today, if it were not for the horses that have impacted my life.
I think Winston Churchill said it best, “There is something about the outside of a horse that is good for the inside of a man.”
There are five documented and researched reasons or outcomes that explain why growing up with horses, and the act of riding horses, are so beneficial for child development.
Being a parent is the job of your heart, your life, and the hardest thing you will ever do. Maintaining a hold on the things I love so much, and sharing that love with my daughter, is very important to me. The equestrian world, and world of competition is something that brings so much joy to my soul. Since the time she was born, it has been my greatest wish that my daughter would share in my love of horses and showing.
Over the last year, I’ve had to examine my ability to engage with my horse and showing. I’ve been blessed with a spectacularly close family and friend group who has supported me and my desire to ride and show, while also being a mom. I honestly could’ve never enjoyed my time in the saddle without these people. I’m also so very happy to have my daughter’s young years so positively impacted by these people, as well as by the competitive equestrian community around us.
There are seasons to the life of a competitive equestrian. It seems that my season is changing, and I can’t wait to embrace this change. While I will continue to ride, I’m hanging up my show spurs for a time to focus on my daughter and allow her the opportunity to explore the world of being a competitive equestrian. “Encourage and support your kids, because children are apt to live up to what you believe in them,” said Lady Bird Johnson.
Those of you who know me know that I’m a super social being. I’m so excited to embrace being a show mom. I can’t wait to expand the life lesson learning for my daughter within the horse show community. I can’t wait to feel the nervous stomach flutters of a mom supporting her child. I can’t wait to give her this opportunity and to support her love.
I don’t know how long this season will last, or how many miles it will span. I’m just so excited for what’s ahead. When I look back, I want to be able to see the road we traveled together and all the fun we had along the way.
At the end of the day, I’m just a mom, who never outgrew a love of horses.
“Horse shows come and go, trophies collect dust, ribbons get tossed to the side, but the memories are never forgotten, and the friendships are never replaced!”- Unknown
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