An EC Blog By Vanessa Froman When prepping for the world show, one needs a history lesson field trip. Jenell Pogue Performance Horses took us to the legendary BSB Quarter Horses where we got to meet the incomparable Too Sleepy To Zip – Collin tried setting him up for our picture…the girls laughed…it’s habit. I’m […]
Continue reading …News from WCHA Dear Yellow Rose and WCHA/Big Money Futurity Participants, The last couple days I’ve been exploring our options for the unfortunate cancellation of the Yellow Rose Futurity that was scheduled for this past weekend at the Pinto World Show due to devastating storm that blew through Tulsa. First of all we are both “disappointed for” […]
Continue reading …We are heartbroken to share the news of the passing of Monte Horn. Our deepest condolences to his wife, Anna, to Terry and Stacey Kull of Kull Ranch, and to all the Horn’s clients, family, and friends. Gordon Downey has compiled a gallery of some of his favorite photos of Monte below:
Continue reading …This is trainer Maegen Evans of Evans Performance Horses with her 2-year-old daughter Payton, from the recent Connecticut Quarter Horse Classic in Northampton, Massachusetts. “I thought this was really cute and promotes the up and coming youth in the industry,” says Dallas Reyes. Thank you to Dallas for the adorable photo! If you have a great photo […]
Continue reading …By EC Intern Tierney Horton “People think you need to just get stuff done, but people need their hearts taken care of, that is the deeper purpose of us coming. To make sure their heart is ok.” – Faith Dantona. On their missions around the world, the Dantona family has garnered a unique perspective […]
Continue reading …By Cristin Conner, PHJ News Having received submissions from our exceedingly talented Youth community, we are proud to announce the winners of the 2023 AjPHA “Make Your Mark” Art and Photography Contest! Congratulations to the following artists: 13 and Under Division: 1st Place: MaryGrace Mosher 2nd Place: Celia Heinbuch 3rd Place: Hazel Heinbuch 4th Place: Harper […]
Continue reading …From Don Falcon, WCHA Congratulations go out to 5 newly approved WCHA Accredited Judges: Tony Burris, Milt Alderman, Rick Christy, Sean Schembri, Goose Ballard. Approved applicants recently participated in a joint testing day with AQHA and APHA in Pilot Point, Texas. Applicants participate in Written Rules Exam, Live Judging, Reasons and Person Interviews. Those wishing […]
Continue reading …By Kentucky Equine Research Staff, KER March 27, 2023 Although the best way to manage injuries to the superficial digital flexor tendon (SDFT) remains to be established, progress is being made on that front. A recent study shows that a single injection of bone marrow-derived cultures stem cells (BM-MSCs) into an injured SDFT followed by a controlled exercise rehabilitation […]
Continue reading …Lisa Novacek, who raises APHA Hunter Under Saddle prospects in Hartland, Wisconsin, found this pile of Macadamia, Cotton, Brazil, and Chia sharing a nap spot one morning! The babies are by Wait A Darn Minute, All Time Vandal, When In Chrome and Awesome All Night. Thanks to Lisa for the terrific photo! If you have a great […]
Continue reading …From IEA Be sure to tune in from home on Saturday and Sunday to watch the live stream provided by APHA and Equine Promotion. The link is on our National Finals webpage along with all the other important information for exhibitors. Click here for the live stream, schedule, results, and more: The IEA […]
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