Mya by One Special Asset and her owner, Harper, enjoying her two favorite things- her horse and a book – between classes at a Michigan Pinto show! Thank you to Megan Brinks for the cute photo! If you have a great photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …LSU School of Veterinary Medicine BATON ROUGE, LA—With hurricane season upon us, horse owners should take proactive measures to ensure the safety and well-being of their animals. Here are some tips from the Louisiana State Animal Response Team (LSART –, the Louisiana Department of Agriculture and Forestry (, and the LSU School of Veterinary Medicine […]
Continue reading …An EC Blog by Joan Ames Tulsa is still without power in a lot of areas. It is hot there. Praying for them and for the town of Matador Texas hit last night by a F3 tornado. The Matador Ranch has lost its herds. So much lost. I took this photo the day after. It […]
Continue reading …Alumni Equestrian Events For Immediate Release Gladstone, NJ –The addition of the IHSA Alumni Nationals classes and the 10th year of the western discipline at the Alumni Tournament of Champions show were more reasons to celebrate at the iconic USET Headquarters in Gladstone, NJ on May 20-21. The show started years ago as a scrimmage […]
Continue reading …The TQHA Reg II Dogwood Classic, presented by TQHA Region II, took place June 15-18, 2023, in Harriman, Tennessee. It was a 5 Judge AQHA S/C Show & NSBA, with Judges Kendra Weis, Lisa Moden, Tammy Braham, Sissy Anderson, and Jamie Dowdy. Thanks to TQHA Reg II and Topline Event Management, we have your high points and […]
Continue reading …The Cap Gun Circuit just wrapped up after its 4-day show from June 14 to June 18, 2023, at New Holland Pavilion in Madison, Wisconsin. It offered 6 AQHA Shows and 2 NSBA Shows, and it was WQHA and NEWQHA approved, with judges Leonard Berryhill, Jessica Gilliam, Chris Thompson, Jennifer Goss, Kim Leiter, and Curtis Reynolds. […]
Continue reading …The G-Man has arrived in Berrien Springs! See his first set of 100+ photos below:
Continue reading …“Lazy Lopin Dude loves to watch TV in between his classes at the Pinto World Championships!!” says Sydney Replogle. Thank you to Sydney for sending us this photo from Tulsa! If you have a great photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …An EC Blog by Jennifer Sawyer With thousands of miles spent on the road already this year, I feel inspired to talk about things from the judge’s side of the pen. There is constant banter on social media these days about “what judges look for” and a million and one questions about every pattern […]
Continue reading …We are sad to share the news that Sharon Radebaugh, longtime show mom of Jamie, Erin, and Eden, lost her life at the hands of another, according to news reports, earlier this month. Since her memorial service will be live on YouTube today at 3 PM Central Time, we wanted to share the link: Memorial […]
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