ShoMe Horse Shows in Michigan is an organization known for doing things a little differently – don’t get us wrong – the competition at the shows is fierce! But the name of their game, first and foremost, is fun – with a twist. Their list of special events and fun Sweepstakes classes that challenge riders’ […]
Continue reading …Congratulations to all the winners at the 2023 PHBA World Championship Show, their 40th Anniversary! The successful World Championship was held July 4-15, 2023, at the Illinois State Fairgrounds in Springfield, Illinois. Dave Remus, President, shared a special message of thanks and future welcome on social media after the show: Thanks to Jeff Kirkbride Photography, we […]
Continue reading …“We all know this heat wave has been awful,” says Cassie Gaarder of Litchfield Park, Arizona. “I’m always making sure my horses (& mule) are keeping cool.” This is Wyatt, aka Chromed Up Royalty, getting hosed off after his morning turnout on pasture. “Every bit helps when it’s 105 out!” Cassie explains. Thank you to Cassie […]
Continue reading …From NSBA The National Snaffle Bit Association and The NSBA Foundation are pleased to announce the 2023 Youth of the Year Finalists. The Youth of the Year Award recognizes youth who demonstrate dedication through volunteer work for a worthy cause and is awarded annually by the NSBA Foundation. This award is given in conjunction with […]
Continue reading …This is 3-year-old World and Congress Champion Best N Radical, aka “Alex, who loves his baby stallion smooches! Thank you to Trace Thompson of Thompson Show Horses for the photo! If you have a great photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …By Jessica Hein, PHJ News Howard Norman, a former APHA state director and advisory committee member, died July 15, 2023, at his home in Dickson, Tennessee. He was 73. An APHA member since 2001, Howard treasured his Paint Horses. He was the breeder of eight. Furthermore, Howard also served as an APHA state director from 2020-2022 and […]
Continue reading …The 2023 BWHA Classic, from July 14 – 16, 2023, was presented by the Buckeye Western Horse Association at the University of Findlay, Ohio. Judges were Lynda Danielson, Brad Jewett, Keith Miller, and Curtis Reynolds, and the show offered AQHA Classes and NSBA Dual Approved Classes with one set of NSBA points. Thanks to Elizabeth Moorman of Millennial […]
Continue reading …The G-Man has arrived at New England’s Premier Show Facility, the Eastern States Expo in W. Springfield, Massachusetts, for the Region Six Super 6 Show & Regional Championship! The show runs July 17-23, 2023, and it’s a fun show with an Exhibitor Appreciation Party, Exhibitor meals, a Pro/Non-Pro Challenge, Stall Decorating, and an Aisle Hop! Judges […]
Continue reading …From AQHA The American Quarter Horse Association is proud to announce that the AQHA Executive Committee approved enhancing the 2023 AQHA World Championship Show with a minimum increase of $600,000 in payouts, prizes and exhibitor appreciation. In an effort to improve the show, which also includes the Adequan® Select World Championship Show and encourages growth focusing […]
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