The Florida Color Horse Club just wrapped up the United Colors Show, an APHA/ApHC/All Breed 2-Judge Show, September 8-11, 2023 at Alachua County Agriculture & Equestrian Center in Newberry, Florida. Judges were Kim Garrett, MO & Pat Smith, GA. When the show was done, they’d celebrated Cash, Prizes and 771 entries per judge. “Thank you American Tobiano […]
Continue reading …A never before seen candid photo from the 2023 NSBA World Championship Show! Earning those trophies took a lot of hard work, so guarding them on the way to the photo backdrop is crucial! If you have a unique photo of the day, please email
Continue reading …From NRHA It’s no secret the name Fappani is synonymous with greatness within the reining community. As the National Reining Horse Association’s (NRHA) all-time leading rider, Andrea Fappani continues to set the standard within the sport and shatter records. Recently, he stamped his name in the history books once again by becoming the first NRHA […]
Continue reading …By Jessica Hein, PHJ News Test your Paint Horse knowledge and skills in the inaugural horseIQ Virtual Youth Triathlon. Available for all AjPHA members, this free three-part event features two divisions of friendly contests: prepared public speaking, skills demonstration and hippology. Entry is free and easy: just upload a 2-5 minute video to a video-hosting […]
Continue reading …From AQHA: Enter this year’s Nutrena AQHA and Adequan® Select World Championship Show! In August, entries opened for the 2023 World Show at the OKC Fairgrounds in Oklahoma City. Entries must be submitted online by 5 p.m. Central on September 15, to avoid late fees. Enter Now: AQHA World Show: Resources – AQHA […]
Continue reading …The American Quarter Horse Association is implementing a new rule regarding mandatory necropsies and responsible parties for on-site equine incidences at all AQHA-approved events. September 11, 2023 , AQHA: The American Quarter Horse Association at the recommendation of the AQHA Animal Welfare Commission, is implementing a new mandatory necropsy rule regarding all on-site equine fatalities […]
Continue reading …The 2023 Virginia Color Classic Futurity Show just wrapped up, spanning the dates of September 1-3, 2023, at Virginia Horse Center in Lexington. Judges were Clint Fullerton, Lori Gordon, Jennifer Kunkle, and John Kunkle, and the show offered Color Classic Futurity classes, Virginia Bred Futurity classes, 4 sets of APHA points, 2 sets of NSBA points, […]
Continue reading …Congratulations to Pierre Briere and Nicole Jacobsen on exchanging vows this past week! From our EC family to yours, we wish you a lifetime of happiness! This particular photo of the happy couple includes the gals from Pierre Briere Quarter Horses!
Continue reading …“My sister and I, Hayley Hein and Hannah Hein. Pictured around ages 4 and 9 in Leadline and have been showing together since. We are 22 and 27 now,” says Hannah Hein. Thank you to Hannah for the great Transformation Tuesday set of photos! If you have some Transformation Tuesday pics you’d like to share […]
Continue reading …Today’s photo of the day comes from the recent NW Emerald, brought to you by the Washington Quarter Horse Association, with judges Tracy Willis and Keith Miller! Stay tuned for the results and photos from the show, and thank you to Kory Kumar for the fabulous photo! If you have a great photo of the […]
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