His resume and pedigree are impeccable, but it’s his work ethic, intelligence, and athletic ability that earn One Hot Chip accolades like “one in a million,” “horse of a lifetime,” and “unicorn.” The 21-year-old gelding, lovingly known as Jackson, has an impressive list of achievements: multiple ApHC World Champion titles, a record for the most Western World and National Champion Titles, as well as ApHC World Record Holder in Western Riding with a score of 231.5.
Continue reading …At ten years of age, Adam Winter did an assignment for his fourth grade teacher. It was a letter to his future self. It read, “Dear Adam, I want to be a horse trainer. I will be a great one, too.” That determination has been a constant for Adam and a trait that has served him well in the industry. At just 19 years old, he started Winter Performance Horses and, now, seven years later, he has a list of accolades that his resolve has helped him earn.
Continue reading …Those of us who have served in the role of apprentice know you can depend on one thing: you’re going to work hard and learn a lot. As an apprentice, young horsemen have the chance to get a foot in the door in a competitive industry while learning from seasoned professionals. The hours are long, the work is frequently of the grunt variety, and compensation isn’t always lucrative, but the knowledge and experience gained as an apprentice are invaluable in the long run.
Continue reading …It’s a long way from Greece in 400 BC to Oklahoma City, Oklahoma in 2020, but the sport of Dressage has arrived in AQHA World Show competition, much to the delight of horsemen of all ages and abilities. Classical Dressage traces its roots to the Greek military, as recorded by the legendary Greek Military Commander, philosopher, and writer, Xenophon, who led the battalion of mercenaries known as the ‘Ten Thousand’ in 400 BC. His treatise, “On Horsemanship” is still considered a primary document in the art of horse training today.
Continue reading …Close your eyes and tap into the most horse-crazy part of your brain. What would it look and feel like to be at a Disney World for equestrians?
Continue reading …When done right, there is nothing more beautiful to watch than a Hunter Under Saddle horse’s long flowing stride as it trots down the rail with its lengthy neck stretched out evenly from the withers and ears pricked forward as if it’s the most natural and easy thing in the world. But achieving that effortless appearance is anything but easy, as trainers and exhibitors will attest.
Continue reading …The horse world lost a bright light on November 20, 2020 when professional horseman, Douglas ‘Doug’ John Carpenter, succumbed to COVID-19 at the age of 64. Born in Massachusetts and raised in Rhode Island, Doug was drawn to horses at a young age. When he was only 13, he hitchhiked from Rhode Island to Columbus, Ohio, to see the 1970 All American Quarter Horse Congress. Little did he know at that time, that in just a few years, he would not only be back at the Congress as a participant, but that he would win his first big title at the event.
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