Sometimes, the best ride comes when there’s nothing getting in the way of the bond between you and your horse. This can be in the form of outside world distractions or even a bridle. When it’s just you and your horse, you’re forced to focus intently on the manner in which you’re riding–how you use your core, seat, and legs–because there isn’t a bit or reins to fall back on for steering support.
Continue reading …Madison Dolan is used to making a splash in the show pen. At just three years old, she’d already fallen in love with riding and by the following year she was showing her POA in Leadline at the 2010 Fort Worth Stock Show. When she made her debut in AQHA in 2017, there was no testing the water at a couple of state shows to get her feet wet. She went right to the Quarter Horse Congress. At the time, Madison and her horse had just 13 years between them; she was 11 and her gelding, One of the Cool Kids, aka “Luke” was only two. It was his first show ever. She rode him to placings in both the Level 1 Western Pleasure and 13 & Under Western Pleasure. It was an impressive start to a new show career to say the least.
Continue reading …I started showing horses at local, open shows. My greatest memories from those days weren’t the wins or the trophies, or even winning money from a class with a jackpot. My greatest memories came after the show when we all cooked out, played football, and raced our horses around the grounds. I made good friends and learned a lot about life. I met my wife because of horses. I am certain horse shows did the same for others.
Continue reading …Although 17-year-old Avery Langley hasn’t been in the game quite as long as her fellow competitors, this spunky, savvy, smart, young woman is using all of the skills at her disposal to make a name for herself, and she has big plans for the future.
Continue reading …Many horses suffer breathing problems, airway or lung impairments due to dust, allergies, or disease. Just like humans, horses can benefit sometimes from breathing aids like nasal strips, inhalers and nebulizers. Dr. Larry Overly, known to most people as ‘Dr. Ricky’, is a track veterinarian at Los Alamitos. He says nebulizers and chelated silver products are often utilized to deal with lower airway disease and inflammatory issues in the lungs such as IAD—inflammatory airway disease. “There are various ways we combat IAD but first we need to find out what is actually causing the inflammation,” he says. It is important to pinpoint the source rather than just treat the symptoms.
Continue reading …Today, as we watch a class full of horses compete in the show pen, it’s no longer a surprise to see full siblings, often the same age, competing against each other. Because of modern scientific advances, we’ve become totally accustomed to raising horses very differently than our ancestors, who used live cover. In fact, acronyms like “AI” or phrases like “pull an embryo” are frequently used within casual conversations since we know our horse cohorts will understand that, nowadays, we can produce horses using stallions from afar, or without a mare ever carrying her own foal.
Continue reading …Months, if not years of work, are at stake when an exhibitor enters the arena with their horse. Are we on track with goals or ready to set new ones? In mere minutes, the judges decide. Yet, how those decisions are communicated to the masses varies greatly between shows. Some strive to celebrate accomplishments center stage for all to see. At the World Shows, Congress, and Championship shows, horses are lined up under each judge before overall placings are announced from last to first. Smaller open or weekend shows seek to maximize the fun and excitement of having placings announced in the arena. Other shows focus on efficiency, moving each class out quickly to load in the next. Most find some middle ground, balancing the need for recognition with keeping the show day a reasonable length.
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