When it comes to tracking a horse in the halter pen, everything seems pretty self-explanatory. Walk to the judge or judges, trot to and past the cone, and continue trotting around the cone to the lineup. The purpose of this portion of the class is to give the judges an opportunity to evaluate both soundness and quality of movement.
Continue reading …The Pait men have a rich family tradition as horsemen. As the sons of Eldon Pait, Jamie, E.H., and Jeffrey have each carved out their own unique place in the horse industry while becoming AQHA World and Congress Champion trainers along the way.
Continue reading …Heidi Rasor is no stranger to winning. She has won World and Congress championships and Reserve championships as far back as 1994. But the most important win in her show career is the one that launched it: a bet with her fiancé, Jack, in 1993.
Continue reading …While perusing the worldwide web, I came across several listings of horses for sale. This is nothing uncommon in the modern world of digital advertising. Everything’s for sale on the net, horses included.
Continue reading …Becoming a partner with a remarkable horse is a dream all horsemen possess.
Continue reading …No matter how well we ride, or how well our horses are trained, sometimes all it takes is a nervous spook, a playful buck, an energic bolt, a stressful ride, or a moment of anxiety, and riders can easily fall prey to setbacks.
Continue reading …While keeping your horse straight is a fundamental skill, it’s one of the hardest to do.
Continue reading …Cool jobs often blend passion with innovation, offering unique opportunities that push the boundaries of traditional career paths. These roles not only reflect advancements in technology and interests, but they also highlight how evolving fields and creative thinking are transforming what it means to have a fulfilling and dynamic job.
Continue reading …The hustle and bustle of summer shows has started to cool off, but the chaos of the year-end majors is in full swing. These shows can mentally and physically drain professionals, exhibitors, and their horses with late nights, early mornings, and heavy workloads. Tension, fatigue, restlessness, exhaustion, and the drudgery of doing chores and being away from family and home for weeks at time is not for the faint of heart–more for the brave, bold and courageous.
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