The sweeping strides of graceful horses and the splendor of vintage-inspired attire lends to an air of elegance that makes Pleasure Driving such a beautiful discipline to watch. But teaching a horse how to drive has far-reaching benefits that extend beyond competing in the class itself.
Continue reading …Transitioning from a snaffle or hackamore to a bit with a shank and a curb chain is a big transition in a young horse’s life and not one that happens overnight. First, the pressure applied takes place in entirely new and different areas. Acclimating a horse to new headgear is something that takes time, tenacity, and the right tools.
Continue reading …Injuries are fairly common in horses because they are large and strong, and highly mobile. Domestic horses in small enclosures injure themselves more often than a less active species. Horses in athletic careers often have greater risks for injury because of the speeds they travel, with more stresses on feet and legs.
Continue reading …Ask anyone who’s shown for any length of time, and they’re likely to agree that not only are no two horses alike, some horses are just plain harder to get along with than others.
Continue reading …Female business owners and powerhouse women seem to be what’s trending in 2022, and Madison Nirenstein is no exception. Boasting 32,000 followers on her Instagram page, founding and running her own business, and becoming a household name in the show pen are no small feats individually, but she’s doing it all. 2021 was a record year for her, both professionally and as an equestrian.
Continue reading …Twelve-year-old Alexandra (Allie) Rippeon has had quite a year. The daughter of Deanna and Michael Rippeon is a well-spoken, home-schooled youngster who, like most horse girls, loves snuggling her horse and riding with friends. She also enjoys hanging out in the barn and helping care for horses at the family’s Sunset Ridge Farm in Mt. Airy, Maryland. But this young horsewoman is also a gifted competitor who capped a successful 2021 show season with a record-setting Congress. Competing on four-year old, Itzonly Make Believe, aka “Molly,” a horse she had purchased only two months before, Allie had a spectacular showing at the event, winning four AQHA, four NSBA, and four Championship titles, as well as four All-Around titles in different divisions.
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