Click here to read the complete article 300 – September/October, 2023 By Megan Arszman There’s just something about the word “roach” when it comes to mane care that seems rather…intense, perhaps? It’s not a style name that brings to mind words like “beautiful” and “graceful,” which are words we always want to hear when describing […]
Continue reading …Horses shown at the All American Quarter Horse Congress are the best of the best in their disciplines. Spectators are awed by the precision and flawlessness of the riders in the pattern classes, the beautiful self-carriage of the horses in the rail classes, and the excitement of the athletes in the timed events.
Continue reading …When Debby Brehm was six years old, she was like most kids. She desperately wanted a horse of her own. After much pleading, Debby’s father made a deal with her. He would buy her a horse on her tenth birthday.
Continue reading …“Because of your smile, you make life more beautiful.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
Continue reading …When Justin Billings first attended the All American Quarter Horse Congress with his family in 1992 as an 11-year-old horse crazy kid, he was in awe, soaking up the sights and falling more and more in love with each step of the way in his cowboy boots. More than 30 years since that visit, he has never missed a Congress. This year, he’ll walk the grounds in his new role as the Executive Vice President of Operations for the Ohio Quarter Horse Association, making him one of the faces behind the magic the Congress has to offer.
Continue reading …Horsemen who haul long distances with show horses want the best conditions for those animals during transport. The past few years have seen some good innovations in horse trailers in terms of safety features and comfort.
Continue reading …Electric vehicles are all the hype today; some people want to eliminate dependence on fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions and think that all vehicles and machinery should be powered by electricity. Electric cars have been around for a long time, but now there is a push to make all cars electric in the future. So the next question: what about trucks? Will e-trucks be practical for pulling horse trailers?
Continue reading …AQHA amateur exhibitor Tali Terlizzi has loved horses almost as long as she can remember. It’s something her mother must have sensed even before Tali was born.
Continue reading …Corrival – noun: Friendly competitor, representing the type of camaraderie in the midst of competition promoted by the ranch.
Continue reading …Change of any kind can be scary, so when it comes to changing divisions in the show pen from Youth or Novice Youth to Amateur, exhibitors facing the switch are understandably hesitant. For some, the nerves associated with the step up can really shake their confidence. We talked to three exhibitors who are headed into their last Youth World Show this year and asked them to share their feelings about this sometimes daunting trans-ition. Three Amateurs who re-cently stepped up volunteered their advice and encou-ragement about making the change a positive experience.
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