In a remarkable decision, the 7th Circuit Court of Appeals reversed a Tax Court opinion dealing with a Thoroughbred racehorse owner’s activities.
Continue reading …The show season is just starting to heat up, and big money has already been awarded to some of the top maiden three- and four-year-old horses on the breed circuits. With continual support, especially from entities like The Equine Chronicle and Hylton Quarter Horses, many trainers are giving their horses more time to mature, both physically and mentally, in order to prepare for the show pen, and it’s paying off big-time.
Continue reading …“The long-acting tranquilizer panel that we recently added stems from an equine pre-purchase drug screen that we began offering just over a year ago. That particular drug screen includes more than 30 non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as well as three tranquilizers that are considered long-acting in veterinary medicine—at least in equine use. These include fluphenazine, fluoxetine and reserpine. The pre-purchase drug screen encompasses all of these drugs, but we felt it would be beneficial to give veterinarians the ability to test just for the tranquilizers in situations where they weren’t necessarily concerned about the NSAIDs,” says Mays.
Continue reading …Many exhibitors are used to hearing these familiar instructions repeated countless times as they navigate the practice pen. Those same exhibitors likely believe that the only way to improve their Horsemanship form is to spend more time in the saddle. But, what if spending more time in the gym was another way to improve performance in the horse show arena? Auburn University Strength and Conditioning Coach Anthony Kincy shares his thoughts on how time in the gym can equal better results in the show ring.
Continue reading …It’s the snarky comment that cuts so deep it leaves you speechless. It’s the gossipmonger who thrives on creating drama at other people’s expense. Or it can even be more serious, with threats that result in tragic consequences.
Continue reading …When we’re being bombarded with media at every turn and it takes a great deal of craft and artistry to capture the viewer’s attention. This desire to stand out has propelled designers to use their artistic skills and unleash their imagination.
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