Around the Rings Photos and Results – 2022 Georgia Classic

Photo credit: Lisa Lee
The 2022 Georgia Classic took place December 9-11 at the Georgia National Fairgrounds in Perry, Georgia. Judges were Randy Wilson, Tonya Brown, Kerry Allen, and TW Grose.
Thank you to Lisa Lee for all the great candid photos! Click on each photo to enlarge.
Kathy Avolt of An Equine Production saluted the horses in her usual witty way with the following post:
There is Never Enuff Sleep while at a horse show, but the GQHA Classic in Perry, GA is A Busy Affair when it comes to a horse show.
In the ranch classes yesterday, we had many new faces in attendance. Most people say that I Like The Dark, but because of our outstanding numbers, we had to move the ranch trail to the covered to have lights. John said he was Born Fabulous when he was dragging the log but Suzy was Hot Mess N A Dress when she realized she forgot her pattern. She shook her head and said ‘I was supposed to go to the left wasn’t I?’ She was Dressed All Fancy though in her new ranch scarf.
In today’s trail, We Made No Regrets when we picked up the trail poles early this morning. Bob was heard to say Baby Im Comin For U when he was late to the starting cone. But he quickly said Ur Wish Is Granted when he showed back in the senior trail. It was a Good Time To Win some of the great prizes being awarded by GQHA.
After the show, several folks went to the new restaurants in Perry. Drinks At A Goodbar were being had and one pretty lady said that Shes A Single Lady but asked the local guy to Breeze Past Me when asking her on a date. He was the Scandalous One the next morning though when he did not use the Premium Diesel when filling up his truck.
In the showmanship classes, several were jamming to Scott’s Lazy Bars Of Music playing over the speakers. Sumthin About Mary tried to show the small fry kids how to do some old dance moves, but they looked a little lost because those moves were not all over Tik Tok. Instead the little kids were hollering Iscream For Icecreme and the headed to the food stand.
At the end of the day, several first-time exhibitors decided that ShesGotPepInHerStep and they said Its A Absolute Thril to get through their equitation pattern and not missing their diagonals. Their trainer kept saying Ride Wit Me as they navigated the cones. They Musta Got Lucky because there was a lot of cheering at the end of the day!
GQHA Classic High Point and Circuit Winners:

Click here for complete results: GAClassic
Scribe sheets: GQHA Classic Scribe Sheets — An Equine Production