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Around the Rings – 2024 AQHA West L1 Championship Show – Friday, May 17

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In the first trail class of the day in the Main Arena at Friday’s 2024 AQHA West L1 Championship Show, Elizabeth “Lizzie” Montez and BetterLazyThanCrazy were crowned Champions of the L1 Youth Walk Trot Trail.

Lizzie says she was nervous at first, but then she “just kind of rode like it was regular practice in very fancy clothes.” She explains her obstacle to conquer with “Hal” in this particular pattern was the serpentine. “It was very tight turns and I kind of like a loose rein, so it was like zigzagging almost.”

Most of all, she’s thankful for the love and support of her mom and her grandma, and all the help from Liz Place, Sawyer (who gets their horses ready), barnmates Cameron Rees, Kristina Miller, Renee, and her best friend, Hailey.

L1 Youth Walk Trot Trail

Champion: Elizabeth Montez and Better LazyThanCrazy

Reserve Champion: Brooke Giustetti and Krymsun Zip

Bronze: Maddie Dawson and All About That Lope

Fourth: Willa Bruce and The Best Bet Yet

They were also the Walk Trot High Point Champions!

Fifth: Kenzie Honea and Mostly Chocolate


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Youth WT Trail Results

L1 Youth WT Trail Score Sheets

Then Hannah Kate Pipkin won the L1 Youth 13 & Under Trail with Jimmie Buffet, and it was her first trail win with him!

Her past experience with trail was in Walk Trot, and she’s shown “Jimmie” in Trail in only three shows, so Hannah Kate explains she’s really, really happy!

“I counted the poles, and he saved me on quite a few, and he was just amazing.”  One of the obstacles that had been daunting in the past was the back, but she says she approached it differently this time. “I’ve always cut it short and went to two, so I made sure to stay out and had to count to four, and I was really nervous about that.

She explains she was surprised to be left standing out there as the top three were called, and says, “It’s amazing to me.”

L1 Youth 13 & Under Trail

Champion: Hannah Kate Pipkin and Jimmie Buffet

Reserve Champion: Reagan Thenhaus and Invitation To Boot

Bronze: London Neitzer and Good Evanescence

Fourth: Emma Kutac and I Gottem Talkin

Fifth: Maggie Roberts and RV Miracle Machine


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Youth Trail 13 Under Results

L1 Youth Trail 13 Under Score Sheets

In the Preifert Arena, Horsemanship was the focus for much of the day, and in the L1 Amateur Horsemanship, Kristi Perea and CPrealsureshestheone topped the judges’ lists to win the Championship!  See what Kristi had to say about her relationship with Mellie and the pattern:

Kristi Perea and CPRealSureShesTheOnev


L1 Amateur Horsemanship

Champion: Kristi Perea and CPRealSureShesTheOne

Reserve Champion: Talissa Gervais and Ima Code Breaker

Bronze: Brittany Wray and Party Blazer

Fourth: Ainsley Linnell and Hez Willy Fancy

Fifth: Cristin Coombs and Doctor Phil Good


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Amateur Horsemanship Results

L1 Amateur Horsemanship Score Sheets


L1 Rookie Youth Trail

Champion: Piper Anderson and Keep It To Yourself
Reserve Champion: Madeline Spreeman and Livin Out A Fantasy
Bronze: Vivienne King and One Hot Sports Model
Fourth: Sienna Harbison and Were Talking Easy
Fifth: Alexa McMerty and Lopin For The Ladys

Complete results and scoresheets:

Rookie Youth Trail Results

Rookie Youth Trail Score Sheets


L1 Amateur Select Horsemanship

Champion: Robin Baldes and Lazyz Back In Black

Reserve Champion: Anne Demirjian and LazyDayz R Here Agin

Bronze: Laura Irwin and Lopin Down The Line

Fourth: Lynn Coulter and VS Heres Your Sign

Fifth: Johanne Fenwick and Chicks Dig Chocolate


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Select Horsemanship Results

L1 Select Horsemanship Score Sheets


L1 Amateur Walk Trot Horsemanship

Champion: Laura Hulse and Zippin Lazy

Reserve Champion: Marian Naumann and Be My Machine

Bronze: Amy Manns and Hocus Boston Flame

Fourth: Mackenzie Russell and Looks Good Lopin

Fifth: Kelley Bell and Demented Lover


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Amateur WT Horsemanship Results

L1 Amateur WT Horsemanship Score Sheets


Rookie Amateur Horsemanship

Champion: Kristin Darnall-Titov and Spook Full of Plum

Reserve Champion: Lucy Chapman and Suddenly So Simple

Bronze: Candy Bava and Hush Money

Fourth: Rachel Devet and ShezGotAClassyChassy

Fifth: Heather Banks and A Martini Girl


Complete results and scoresheets:

Rookie Amateur Horsemanship Results

Rookie Amateur Horsemanship Score Sheets


Rookie Youth Western Riding

Champion: Maya Dias and I Look Extremely Hot

Reserve Champion: Macy Finney and RRed Solo Cup

Bronze: Payten Jorgensen and HP Best Of Lazy

Fourth: Kyrah Bowker and Not Impulsive

Fifth: Emily Gauthier and Strutin Cash


Complete results and scoresheets:

Rookie Youth Western Riding Results

Rookie Youth Western Riding Score Sheets


L1 Amateur Walk Trot Western Pleasure

Champion: Deborah Swainson and DonFlatterYourself

Reserve Champion: Roby Harden and Undoubted Potential

Bronze: Kelley Bell and Demented Lover

Fourth: Suzan Iverson and Kool Made

Fifth: MJ Donovan and SST Lollipop


Complete results:

L1 Amateur WT Pleasure Results


L1 Youth 13 & Under Western Riding

Unanimous Champion: Reagan Thenhaus and Invitation To Boot

Reserve Champion: Summer Harbison and Were Talking Easy

Bronze: Colten Hansen and Lopin For The Ladys

Fourth: Makaley Janneh and A Classy Chex

Fifth: Vivienne King and One Hot Sports Model


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Western Riding 13 Under Results

L1 Youth Western Riding 13 Under Score Sheets


L1 Youth 14-18 Trail – a class of 35

Champion: Aidan Rizk and Catch Twenty Two

Reserve Champion: Bailey Saenz and Take Me Home Tonite

Bronze: Trusten Dever and Lopin A Hot Streak

Fourth: Macy Finney and RRed Solo Cup

Fifth: Nicholas Gonifas and Zips Making You Look


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Youth Trail 14 18 Results

L1 Youth Trail 14 18 Score Sheets


Rookie Amateur Western Pleasure

Champion: Jen Rudolph and Best Believe That

Reserve Champion: Ashley Mossman and Touch N Go Show

Bronze: Cameron Reese and Like My Lope

Fourth: Pamela Kauffman and Immortal Conclusion

Fifth: Rachel Devet and ShezGotAClassyChassy


Complete results:

Rookie Amateur Pleasure Results


L1 Youth 14-18 Western Riding

Champion: Charlotte Brooks and The Only Deal

Reserve Champion: Mylie Parker and Huntin By Moonlite

Bronze: Maisy Ewing and Gettin Hot

Fourth: Sawyer Byers and Ill B At The Bar

Fifth: Rylee Snodgrass and Stella Dior


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Youth Western Riding 14 18 Results

L1 Youth Western Riding 14 18 Score Sheets


L1 Amateur Select Western Pleasure

Unanimous Champion: Tabatha Poling and Lazy Holla Dayz

Reserve Champion: Ashley Mossman and Touch N Go Show

Bronze: Laura Irwin and Lopin Down The Line

Fourth: Leesa Davis and First At Batt

Fifth: Lynn Coulter and VS Heres Your Sign


Complete results and scoresheets:

L1 Select Pleasure Results


L1 Amateur Western Pleasure

Champion: Kaleigh Bennett and Full Moonlite

Reserve Champion: Bree Hokana and Pleasure With Class

Bronze: Reese Byers and Only One Vision

Fourth: Shelby Devet and No Doubt Chex Me Out

Fifth: Whitney Barrs and Bleu Ivy


Complete results:

L1 Amateur Pleasure Results



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