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Arizona Quarter Horse Creates CEO Position and Hands Doug Huls the Reins

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Image courtesy of Shane Rux.

Image courtesy of Shane Rux.

By: Kristen Spinning

The Arizona Quarter Horse Association has taken a bold step to keep it positioned as an influential and innovative organization in the American Quarter Horse industry. The Association has created a position of CEO and named Doug Huls to take the reins.

A Board of Directors and a number of committees have run AZQHA for decades. These hard working volunteers put in countless hours, usually on top of their already busy schedules as successful business people and accomplished horsemen. The fact that the organization maintains an active schedule of events through the year and produces two world-class horse shows is a testament of their dedication and passion to this industry. However, the board acknowledges that there is room to do more. A full time CEO can integrate the knowledge base of the committees, as well as administrate, coordinate and maximize their efforts. Doug Huls believes his perspective brings a lot to the position, “I think the judging, training, and involvement with horses I’ve had over the years brings a wealth of knowledge. It allows me to understand what needs to be addressed to keep AZQHA a leading organization in the nation.”

Arizona is fortunate to have a rich history and tradition linked to horses. It’s also the home base for many top training barns. “The strength of the Quarter Horse industry in Arizona is huge,” Huls says. “We have some fantastic trainers in this state in the all-around field, rail and pattern events, trail, and of course cow horse, cutting, and reining. There is a tremendous number of horses and quality individuals here; they’re some of the best people you’ll ever meet.” Though the quality of participants in Arizona ensures a solid membership, Huls sees there is even greater potential to expand AZQHA’s presence, citing the popularity of the winter ropings, barrel racing, rodeos, and the backyard horsemen. He fully embraces the organization’s goal of supporting all horse-related events in the state as a way to encourage greater American Quarter Horse ownership and participation. Another important focus will be to expand non-competitive and recreational activities as a way to include more horse owners.

Doug Huls grew up in Iowa as a kid with a passion for horses. His family didn’t own horses, but when there was an event close by that featured horses, he begged for a ride, just so he could have some small involvement. That’s all it took. He was hooked. Huls saved $375 from shoveling driveways and raking leaves. Then, he borrowed another $375 from his mom… with interest. He bought his first horse when he was 12. His brother had a place with acreage where he could keep it, and Huls rode his bike a few miles down a gravel road every day to take care of his horse. From those early days, he built one experience on top of another to forge a career centered around his passion.

After attending Iowa State for two years, he moved to Texas in 1985 and landed at El Centro Ranch. He apprenticed with trainers there and worked with greats such as Steve Heckaman and Tom Chown, building a solid reputation for hard work. After several years, he moved to Colorado, and eventually to Arizona in 1990. Huls built a busy and successful training operation and became an AQHA judge in 1996.

In 2011, Huls took over producing the Arizona Sun Circuit, where his experience as an exhibitor, trainer, and judge continue to effect every decision he makes. He views his transition from being inside the ring to behind the scenes as one that progressed very naturally.  “I think having lived it, having hauled a full barn of amateurs, and having shown in a wide range of events, helps me immensely to understand what the exhibitor is looking for.” He details that those expectations reach far beyond facilities and classes to include the scheduling, professional show staff, special events, parties, entertainment, and the overall enjoyment of the entire show experience.

“I can’t tell you how many times something comes up, and I look at it from the perspective of the exhibitor. I’ll think ‘well, I wouldn’t like it if the horse show was run like that!’ Or, ‘I wouldn’t like that schedule if I were showing there.’” Huls’ guiding principal is to treat exhibitors the way that he wanted to be treated when he was showing. “I want to make their show experience as smooth as possible,” he insists. He’s also determined to make it fun. The abundance of prizes exhibitors can win is mind boggling – and one doesn’t always have to win the class to get a phenomenal prize. Sun Circuit has a plethora of innovative giveaways that engage and entertain. Flat screen TVs, electronics, embroidered jackets, custom hats, exquisite boots, and gift certificates from the many vendors join the prize lineup of saddles, trophies, and cash.

In 2013, AZQHA took over the show dates of the Scottsdale Classic. With Huls in charge, they built a new show that targeted more novice and intermediate exhibitors. It inherited many traits of its big brother, Sun Circuit, while not becoming intimidating. The Arizona Fall Championship quickly took its place as a favored destination on show schedules. It’s well known for its expansive line of tremendous awards for all levels, its creative giveaways, and its overall fun and welcoming atmosphere. The show has also fulfilled its mission of bringing more Arizona exhibitors to a world-class show.

Overall, Huls has a great deal of respect for the exhibitors and understands issues from walking in their boots. He believes strongly that when someone knows you’re working for them in a genuine capacity, you gain both respect and understanding, which goes a long way in making a show run smoothly. However, there are times when conflicts arise and tough choices must be made. These can be common at the types of shows that Huls produce where everything from cutting to trail to jumping can be taking place simultaneously. Every choice has to pass a test: does it benefit the show at large? In those situations, he steps back and looks at the big picture. “You might realize that while something may benefit a few individuals or a group of events, it does not benefit the whole.” That adherence to balance and fairness has garnered Huls a great deal of respect from the exhibitors.

Huls predicts a good future for the big shows with strong continued involvement. Once again, taking a larger view of the situation, he says, “I think it’s equally important that we also have a number of introductory level shows. We need places to bring the novices and Level 2 people along.” He and AZQHA are dedicated to making room for everybody.

To that end, AZQHA is working with the Pacific Coast Quarter Horse Association to produce the EMO Western States Championship to be held at the South Point Resort in Las Vegas, NV, July 5-10, 2016. This unique alliance was formed to promote the intermediate level exhibitor. Huls was named the Event Planner and will oversee many of the logistical aspects of the show. “It’s an exciting opportunity for the two state organizations to come together and promote Quarter Horses in the western region,” he says. The show offers AQHA horses and members from states west of the Mississippi a stepping stone between Novice (Level 1) Championship Shows and AQHA Open, Amateur, Select, and AQHYA World shows. A regular AQHA show will run over the same time, while Championship classes are by invitation, after qualification in 2015.

AZQHA’s mission extends beyond horse shows to promoting the interests of breeders and ranchers, honoring the past and supporting the future, as well as growing a range of activities. Huls will be working on expanding those goals and providing opportunities for clinics, education, and special events. He also envisions developing greater relationships with other equestrian programs, such as Horses Help, the High School IEA teams, and Intercollegiate teams. While the focus will remain on American Quarter Horses, Huls understands the benefits of increasing participation across all aspects of the equine industry. That mission has been a part of Sun Circuit and the Arizona Fall Championship already. The free clinic series at both shows reaches out to the horse community at large. Collegiate teams have descended on Scottsdale for competitions, and the Sun Circuit has hosted both Cowboy Mounted Shooting and Open Barrel Racing, drawing many enthusiastic fans.

Huls contends that without events to bring in the public, we have a hard time expanding horse involvement in general. “So many people currently in the horse industry had it in their family, they were raised with horses,” Huls observes. “We need more people who came into it like I did: going to those county fairs, horse shows, and auctions as a kid.” He’s seen how exposure to horses ignites a passion that can lead a person down an entirely new path. For Huls, that passion led to a career, and that career has now brought him to the upper echelon of the Quarter Horse industry. Our ever-expanding urbanization puts more and more obstacles in the way of that exposure and he’s determined to make it easier. “I always think of where I came from, how I got started, and about the people who helped me along the way.”

Huls wants to make it clear that there are so many levels and ways to be involved with horses through AZQHA that can be achieved with some hard work and clever thinking. Huls champions the IEA as an incredible program for expanding horse participation to a larger market. He explains, “it offers a great opportunity for kids to take lessons and go to shows on their lesson horses. They don’t have to own a horse. It’s a much more economical way to get involved.” Another way Huls encourages people to become more involved is to volunteer with shows and events. Some AZQHA volunteers at the Sun Circuit and the Fall Championship have limited riding experience but share a passion just the same as the 40-year veteran they may be working with. Huls adds, “you never know what opportunity may come your way because of that involvement.”

AZQHA is moving forward as a team, and an integral part of that team is Connie Hay. She has been the secretary of the Association for the past 17 years, administering the daily needs of the members, promoting the Youth Association, maintaining show records, and working behind the scenes to handle many aspects of the shows. She is well known as the person who picks up the phone and solves a member’s problem. She will continue in those roles and assist Huls in fulfilling AZQHA’s mission. Huls recognizes the vital part she has played in the organization. “Connie has been a tremendous asset to the team. Between the two of us, we can pool what we have learned over the years and capitalize on that knowledge to take AZQHA further.”

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