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AQHA Rule Changes To Be Aware Of Starting January 1, 2023

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Know your AQHA Rule Changes for 2023 in time for showing at the Gulf Coast Circuit! Thank you to An Equine Production for the heads up:
SHW400. PERFORMANCE CLASSES. In open division competition, an exhibitor may enter one or more horses in a class, but each horse may have only one rider per class. In individual open division working events (ranch riding, ranch trail, reining, working cow horse, boxing, western riding, barrel racing, pole bending, jumping, working hunter, trail, tie-down roping, dally team roping – heading, dally team roping – heeling, team penning, ranch sorting and cutting) a rider may:
SHW400.1 Exhibit four horses in a junior class. (NOTICE CHANGE for 2023)
SHW400.2 Exhibit four horses in a senior class. (NOTICE CHANGE for 2023)
SHW400.3 Exhibit a maximum (total) of four horses in an all-age class. There is no stipulation on the combination of the junior horses and/or senior horses in an all age class. If a junior class and a senior class are combined due to a lack of entries (may only be combined if there are two or less entries in one or both of the junior and senior classes), that class will become an all-age class.
SHW400.4 In a leveled class that is run concurrent [Level 2 and Level 3], an exhibitor may show a maximum of four horses. If less than three entries in Level 2 or Level 3, entries will be combined with Level 3.
SHW400.8 No horse may be shown in more than two youth or amateur subdivisions of any type of event. (Example: A horse ridden in a reining class by a youth in the 13-year-old and under group can also be ridden in a reining class by a youth in the 14-year-old through 18-year-old group). However, the same horse may be shown in a Level 1 class then shown by another exhibitor or same exhibitor in Level 2 or Level 3 youth or amateur division. (NOTICE CHANGE for 2023. This would apply to an Amateur and a Select showing the same horse. )
The above information is provided by An Equine Production – any rule clarification questions can be directed to AQHA.
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