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APHF Presents 41 Academic Youth Scholarships

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PHJ release by: Mary Grace Schmid

Through the generous donations of APHA members, the American Paint Horse Foundation awards thousands of dollars worth of scholarships every year to deserving APHA students. For the 2019–2020 academic year, APHF has selected seven new scholarship recipients and renewed 34 scholarships to distribute more than $40,000 in scholarships to qualified APHA members.

The recipients of these scholarships are the young horsemen and -women of APHA who work hard in the horse show arena and in the classroom. From different universities and colleges around the country, the recipients are awarded $1,000 scholarships for their educational pursuits. The scholarship funds for these students are donated to the foundation program by APHA members in honor of loved ones or by regional Paint Horse clubs/zones.

For academic scholarship consideration, students must be a member of the AjPHA or APHA in good standing, must pass a college entrance examination, provide three letters of reference and submit an essay explaining their educational plans. After they have been granted a scholarship, they must take a minimum of 12 hours per semester and maintain a “B” or better grade-point average to be eligible for renewal.

Seven new students received scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. They are:

Allison Wichrowski | Paul White Memorial
Cali Pontnack | Bud & Beverly Shoemaker
Caroline Tasker | Zone Two
Kaden Strom | Zone Three #2
Morgan Moser | Ashley Huntington
Natalie Staas | Keith Lemoine Memorial
Saryn Paulsen | Cross Timbers #2

To qualify for renewal of their scholarships, students must provide the previous semester’s official transcript and an update on their educational plans and goals. A total of 34 students renewed their scholarships for the 2019-2020 academic year. They are:

Madeline Alewine | Mikea Smith Honorarium
Andrea Althoff | Lee Newsome
Jacob Grinstead | Zone 3 #1
Julie Hill | Dr. Bill Jackson #1
Curtis Howerton | Illinois PHC #1
Cassidy Jones | Bartholomew
Alyssa Sappington | Joann Cook Memorial
Kristen Venable | Williamson/Brashears Memorial
Raegan Watson | Utah PHC #3
Lauren Zaddack | Illinois PHC #2
Kieli Adkins | Garnier Memorial
Mackenzie Chapman | Jason Sheriff Memorial
Alyssa Donelson | Roland & Joan Hoch
Sarah Eliason | Utah PHC #2
Megan McClain | Washington State PHC
Halle Shoults | Nevada PHC # 1/Plimpton
Falon Sonnen | Zone 1 #1
Anna Lia Sullivan | Matt Diamond Memorial
Anna Clair Tucker | Duane Pettibone
Caleigh Anderson | California Paint Racing
Lauren Barker | Zone 1 #2
Jocilynn Behlen | Zone 3 #3
Sarah Beth Felker | Nevada PHC #2 / Shiela Plimpton
Alexa Hattan | Arizona PHC #3
Kylin Korb | Butch & Doc Wonderlich
Olivia Long | Dr. Bill Jackson #2
Kellianne Lunny | Robert Haas Memorial
Madison Martin | Bill & Rachael Yoesel Memorial
Justin Moody | Lynn Simons #1
Amanda Nelson | Idaho PHC
Jordan Olson | Lynn Titlow Memorial
Kyra Petty | Robert & Mary Parrott
Hannah Stokan | Cross Timbers PHC #1
Madison Vance | Floyd & Maryann Moore #1

Interested in supporting APHA Youth members? The APHF offer several ways to donate for education.

Academic Scholarships: Contribute to one of our existing endowments that fund a scholarship every year.
Youth World Championship Show Scholarships: This new initiative generates scholarship funds for AjPHA members competing at our championship show. The scholarship funds add up each year an exhibitor competes in select classes.
For more information or to donate, visit or contact the APHF at

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